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skilless-wings - i sware this is like my fouth / final atempt, if people comment now!

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18| Monsters


3| Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn

3| Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame

3| Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow

3| Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

3| Blackwing - Bora the Spear

2| Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North

1| Sangan


11| Spells


1| Brain Control

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

2| Allure Of Darkness

2| Mystic Plasma Zone

3| Black Whirlwind


12| Traps


3| Skill Drain

3| Bottomless Trap Hole

3| Reckless Greed

3| Icarus Attack


15| Extra Deck


2| Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon ( so fun with mass synchroing )

1| Blackwing Armed Wing

1| Blackwing Armour master

1| goyo Guardian

2| Black Rose Dragon

2| Dark Strike Fighter

2| Stardust Dragon

1| Red Dragon Archfiend

1| Thought Ruler Archfiend


15| Side Deck


2| Mind Crush - mirror matches

2| Swallows nest - mirror matches, or i need to otk( i got bora to have 13000 atk with this XD )

2| royal oppression - obv i would of sided out drains, but i would set one i have control.

2| Trap eater - royal decree comes to mind

2| threatening Roar - gbs mainly

1| Pot Of Avarice - when i side in oppression i use this to recycle moon shadow

2| mirrors of oath - gbs, cat, fish synchro even

2| Grave of the Super Ancient Organism - goes in with oppressions for higher level control.

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theirs a rulling on shriek that because of the spell speeds, the attack increase happens before whrilwind activates so u can search for stronger monster.


thats why i was also thinking of adding burdens in, if any1 could get me a rulling on if that would work

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