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Twilight: Legion of the Hunters [Now owned by swatking55]

Shadow Mir

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The Vamipres at Volshec's command hand surrounded Kelly and Bella but stayed distant because none of them, not even Volshec, knew who Kelly was and they were being careful because they didn't know if she had an ability. Volshec himself walked through the circle of Vampires up to Kelly and Bella and lifted Kelly's chin as Akima would when he was going to kiss her but in this case it was so that Volshec could look into her eyes, "So from the color of your eyes you don't hunt humans, but I don't know your scent or your face so who are you?"


Akima watched all this while barely able to contain himself and when Volshec lifted Kelly's chin he'd almost burst out from hiding in a frenzied rage.


Edward got back to the house and told Carlisle, Alice, Jacob, and his pack (Leah, Seth, Quil, and Embry) to come with him and when they saw the look on his face they followed, without question.

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Volshec looked down at Kelly and then gestured to the crowd of Vampires, "Well with the forces we have here we have no need to fear the Cullens."


Akima was in a tree far enough that he couldn't be heard but he gestured to Kelly to get her attention to warn her not to push Volshec now that he was getting a look at his mind.

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