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Twilight: Legion of the Hunters [Now owned by swatking55]

Shadow Mir

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Jared went over to Jacob, "Ha, must be bad for you huh?"

"Eh, I don't care about them..." Jacob said, sighing.


Jared started to run to the house as well, like everyone else. Hmm, I've never given any thought to falling in love before, but still I don't think I would necessarily have time. I don't have the job for the Volturi, and have more time now, but what, I can't imprint

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Akima listened to Kelly's rant, "I'm sorry Love but we're checking something out and we didn't want to get any of you involved yet."


Edward: "Well while the others were killing the tracker we saw in his mind that he was part of a massive group of about 20 Vampires being led by one named Volshec. It turns out that this Volchec wants to destroy our family because he and Victoria were actual birth siblings and he is looking for revenge." He looked glum, "Unfortunately that was all that we could get before he died."

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