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[JG] New Booster Design - Custom Template [JG]


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Ok, before I show you my newest piece of epic fail, there are some things I would like you to know.


1.) It's my first fully custom booster, so there are alot of flaws. You may point them out so I can fix them. (Cue DR)

2.) If some of the stuff looks alot like con.'s. they aren't. I just used his template as a guide. I have also pentraced (Yay, I made a new word!) some of them.

3.) The BG is utter upon utter fail. And even that is understatement.

4.) The Tech Circle isn't custom, only kinda. I have no idea where I got it, and I have made a few edits to it, that's why I see it as kinda custom.


I think that is all.


[spoiler=The Fail]







If you like it, I'll put the template up for grabs later on.

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You need an outerglow on the render

the text looks stretched

text color should match the background

the circle and bg arent awesome, but you already said you knew that

5D's logo is a bit too small

and the Konami and English Edition signs are a bit too high.



other than that, this is a stellar pack. ;)


5/10 so far, imo.



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Top logos placed too high. I'll send you my latest tech BG. It's smex. Yours looks somewhat odd. No glow around logo or render. Well, no stroke around logo. No stars, or not noticable if any. Circle looks a little odd.

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