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[VSDISC] Dark Red Enchanter VS Magical Marionette [VSDISC]

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I have actually had them both on the field from time to time. and Marionette always seems to do more work.


he opens the way to attack.

he has enough attack to make it hurt after his effect.

level 5 means he is a bit easier (but not that much.) to summon.

he can keep using his effect, unlike red, who only gets it once a turn.


he doesn't start with any counters

he only gets 200 ATK per counter.


red is not useless in comparison, but he just doesn't get the results that marionette does. he looks better on paper, but in action, he falls short in comparison.

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Well now.



Starts with 2300.

Can discard cards.

More ATK per counter, thus can end up a massive beater.

LV6, so he can tune with LV2's for LV8's.


Only gets counters when Normal Summoned and through spells.

Effect is only once per turn.



Can activate his effect multiple times per turn.

Field Monster gone > Hand card gone.

Starts at 2000 no matter what.

Good target for Circle.

Good with LV2 and LV3 tuners, for LV7s (Arcanite) and LV8s (SDD)


Only gets 200 per counter.

Only gets counters through spells.



I reckon Marionette is better.

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Over in the Deck section' date=' there was an argument over which of the stated cards is better: Magical Marionette or Dark Red Enchanter?

I say [b']DRE[/b], but Mark of the Black Rose says MM.


What do you think?




No, seriously. Marironette. >_>

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I stand by my argument: DRE should be used over MM' date=' because there are open spots for hand control in Spell Counter Decks, which already have a lot of monster removal.



my build focused on grave and fleld control, but if you must run DRE find room for MM as well, he's a pretty cool dude.

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Is it just me' date=' or did YCM start to suck a lot more with my absence?


Enchanter will always be better.



No, a few people left, and more people came, with less skill, a crap less skill.

The tcg section was devostating for about 2 months, I cried everytime I saw it.


Dark Red Enchanter, next time if you want to get good results from something like this, post it on a forum which has pros.

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Is it just me' date=' or did YCM start to suck a lot more with my absence?


Enchanter will always be better.



No, a few people left, and more people came, with less skill, a crap less skill.

The tcg section was devostating for about 2 months, I cried everytime I saw it.


Dark Red Enchanter, next time if you want to get good results from something like this, post it on a forum which has pros.


I think it's time for me to organize another team. = =

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Guest PikaPerson01

Lol, DRE and M&M


On-topic: It depends what kind of deck you run. If you can get the counters quickly on it, Marionette. If you're just trying to go for a 1700 attack dark Thestalos, stick with Dr. Dre.


While it may be more difficult to get Marionette's to be exceedingly broken, clearly destroying their field is a much better effect then destroying their hand.

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Lol' date=' [b']DRE and M&M[/b]


On-topic: It depends what kind of deck you run. If you can get the counters quickly on it, Marionette. If you're just trying to go for a 1700 attack dark Thestalos, stick with Dr. Dre.


While it may be more difficult to get Marionette's to be exceedingly broken, clearly destroying their field is a much better effect then destroying their hand.


i lol'd

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Dark red is just plain out harder to make work.


the fact he has to be tribute summoned to get his starting counters makes him weak on the ATK, he can only do his effect once per turn regardless of how many spell counters he has on him, and if special summoned, he only has 1700 ATK.



however, in the spellcaster / spell counter lineup, he is one of the few who hit the hand. in the end, that makes him a valuable addition.


I still like MM more myself, but that is more so for personal reasons. (he won me tons of games back in the old days.)

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