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New Pokemon Splice Splicer's School

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perfect IMO

but my opinion isn't that important is it

@ KaiKae- you may want to look up Pokemonelite2000.com' date=' they have up to Diamond and Pearl sprites. In fact, I think I'll put that link on the first page.


@ howling_torment- Your splice is too inconsistant. The biggest problem is the tail, because not only does it stop being lined about halfway throught, it also gets bulkier and looses its shading. Another problem is the hair from Misdrevous, if only because it isn't consistant with Nidoking's backspikes. You may want to recolor the hair or something to make it look specifically different.



On a side note, if I were to host a splicing contest soon, how many of you would actually join?




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wow i haven't posted in a while

well i just did this splice

it's of Plusle and Lairon

to make Laisle


What do i need to fix?


It's a very cluttered splice. I think that the body needs some work to make it less warped looking, and some of the parts need reshading, especially the right leg. I'm also having a hard time understanding what the thing on the right side is.

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