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New Pokemon Splice Splicer's School

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I would like to make a splice' date=' but I'm not sure how... I have Gimp, though.



I would recommend heading over to the graphic tutorials section and finding Jappio's splicing tutorial, it's very good. That tutorial will teach you all the basics you need to know

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Seeing as we're at a lull here in posting, I'm going to ask again:


What do you guys need help in splicing wise. And please, don't say something silly like everything. I'd be willing to put some sort of tutorial together for shading or coloring or something.

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Well, I'd like to see a tut for proper colour shading. Like when, say, someone attaches a wing to a body and recolours. Since the shading on the Pokémon with the wing was different to the shading on the Pokémon with the body, the colours clash a lot.

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Well' date=' I'd like to see a tut for proper colour shading. Like when, say, someone attaches a wing to a body and recolours. Since the shading on the Pokémon with the wing was different to the shading on the Pokémon with the body, the colours clash a lot.



So you mean you want a recoloring guide?

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@ KaiKae- you may want to look up Pokemonelite2000.com, they have up to Diamond and Pearl sprites. In fact, I think I'll put that link on the first page.


@ howling_torment- Your splice is too inconsistant. The biggest problem is the tail, because not only does it stop being lined about halfway throught, it also gets bulkier and looses its shading. Another problem is the hair from Misdrevous, if only because it isn't consistant with Nidoking's backspikes. You may want to recolor the hair or something to make it look specifically different.



On a side note, if I were to host a splicing contest soon, how many of you would actually join?

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