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Death Note: Ultimatum of Kira [Accepting][Not started]

Shadow Mir

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You are an average student who one day buys a notebook. This notebook has the power to kill anyone you wish to. This RP is based on the Anime, but has no characters from it. Fill out this App to RP! [Note: I will not play unless people want me to]



Shinigami name:

Death note color:


Appearance: [May be a pic or description]


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Name: Alex Sparks

Shinigami name: Koruda

Death note color: Silver-Grey

Age: 18


He has black hair that reaches backwards and goes down to his cheeks. He also wears a regular High-School unifrom but changes it to a Blue jean with Black shirt and a Leather Jacket, as he comes home. He also has on a Blindfold, one that covers his golden eyes.


Alex's information was kept a secret, by the government. Apparently, his father was with 'The Secret Service' and his family's life was kept a secret. Ever since his Parents died when he was 9, he's been living in an Orphanage but until then, he's escaped the Orphanage and lived with himself, at an abandoned building, he received contact with the GOvernment soon, and then lived with them, although nobody knows about this. The government has given him Shelter, food, water, and Education.

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[align=center]Name: Tanaka, Heero

Shinigami name: Yagami, Light

Death note color: Black

Age: 16

Appearance: animeguyspikyhair_2_.jpg

Bio:[/align]A student at the school that Light attended, Heero took for the spotlight as Japan's most brilliant student. He was a big Kira supporter and when he heard that Kira died, he almost committed suicide, thinking that he would join who ever Kira was. But he was prevented from doing so and was sent to a mental hosptial. His parents, Eiji Tanaka (father), a police force leader, and Ai Tanaka, his mother, a stay-at-home mom.

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