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Duel Academia Arena "Test Your Might!!"

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[align=center]Welcome to the Arena!


legendhiro has given me permission to start this club. While not REALLY a club...more like a branch of the existing Duel Academy. This part of the academy is where all of the Academy Duels will take place and scores will be marked weither by Dueling here or on Yugioh Virtual Desktop.


NOTE: If you duel via YVD, make sure to post the results here. Also, PM me your YVD Account name so I can add it here.


(YVD Download)

For those who seem to have problems downloading Yugioh Virtual Desktop from Xerocreative's website, Goka no Ryuu has graciously uploaded the full working version to megaupload.com to use.


Thanks Goka!


(Duelist Victories)

Here, i'll post who has dueled and posted their results. Included are their Victories/Losses/Draws respectively. Also, I will be posting how many victories against Slifer Members, Ra Members, and Obelisk Members they have. S - R - O respectively.


NOTE: Keep in mind that these are the REPORTED victories. There may be more victories but they haven't been reported to me.

NOTE2: Report all victories to me in a PM! Do not post them on this topic because I will most likely overlook it.


.:lawliet:. - (1/5/0) - Last Duel: V.S. ~Emo~ (S:0/R:0/O:1)

-Đædalus- - (1/1/0) - Last Duel: V.S. Obsidian (S:0/R:/O:0)

~Emo~ - (7/3/0) - Last Duel: V.S. .:lawliet:. (S:3/R:3/O:1)

Obsidian - (10/3/0) - Last Duel: V.S. arkel (S:5/R:4/O:1)

Nightwing2199 - (0/1/0) - Last Duel: V.S. Obsidian (S:0/R:0/O:0)

DarkHorse21 - (4/3/0) - Last Duel: V.S. radio414 (S:0/R:3/O:1)

DNovaKnight - (2/1/0) - Last Duel: V.S. radio414 (S:1/R:1/O:0)

Ayasato-Chan - (0/1/0) - Last Duel: V.S. DNovaKnight (S:0/R:0/O:0)

Arkel - (1/1/0) - Last Duel: V.S. Obsidian (S:1/R:0/O:0)

radio414 - (0/1/0) - Last Duel: V.S. DNovaKnight (S:0/R:0/O:0)


(Duelist Listings)


Here is where all of the Academia's currently active duelists will be listed ALONG with their Deck Recipes. So if you plan on dueling, be sure to PM me your current Deck Recipe...yes, this goes for YVD duels as well.


NOTE: New Rule, you can now enter more than one deck at a time. But before a duel is played, you must inform the opponent which deck will be played. On that note, Decks are now required to have names to differentiate between them.



(Obelisk Blue Duelists)

[spoiler=Armadilloz]Monster - 21

AA x3

Charger x3

D x3

Industrial x3

Micro-Cell x2



Creator x3

Creator Incarnate

Thunder King Rai-Oh - Its a generic beatstick


Spell - 18

Battery Charger x3

Foolish Burial


Inferno Reckless x2 - I <3 this card

Level Limit B

Light of Redemption x2

Vortex x2


Space Typhoon


Quick Charger

Short Circuit

Soul Exchange


Trap - 5

Dust Tornado

Gravity Bind

Portable Battery Pack x2

Spell Reclamation


Total = 44



King of the Beasts x2

Moja x3

Beast Striker x3

Behemoth the King of All Animals x2

Rescue Cat x2

Hyena x2


X-Saber Airbellum x2

Nimble Momonga x3

Shiba-Warrior Taro x2



Pot of Avarice

The Big March of Animals

Wild Nature's Release x3

Giant Trunade

Heavy Storm

Double Summon x2


United We Stand

Monster Reborn



Overwhelm x3

Mirror Force


Solemn Judgment

The Transmigration Prophecy

United We Stand


-Extra Deck:

Naturia Balkion

Naturia Gaodrake

Naturia Beast

Stardust Dragon

Red Dragon Archfiend

Black Rose Dragon

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Goyo Guardian

Dark Strike Fighter

Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth


[spoiler=Obsidian - YVD Name: Obsidian]

[spoiler=Blackwing God - V1]

1|Rgbt|Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu

2|Rgbt|Swallow's Nest

1|Rgbt|Swallow Flip


2|Rgbt|Mirror of Oaths

2|Rgbt|Hardened Armed Dragon

1|Rgbt|Against the Wind


1|Rgbt|Black Whirlwind

2|Rgbt|Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North

2|Rgbt|Blackwing - Elphin the Raven

2|Rgbt|Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow

1|Rgbt|Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame

1|Rgbt|Blackwing Armed Wing

1|Rgbt|Delta Crow - Anti Reverse

2|Potd|Mausoleum of the Emperor

1|Mrl|Rising Air Current

2|Crms|Blackwing - Bora the Spear

2|Crms|Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

1|Crms|Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn

1|Crms|Blackwing Armor Master

2|Tdgs|Stardust Dragon

2|Rgbt|Level Warrior

2|Dp08|Armory Arm

3|Sd8|Icarus Attack

1|Mrd|Heavy Storm

1|Mrd|Mirror Force

1|Lon|Magic Cylinder

2|Fotb|Field Barrier

1|Fet|Lightning Vortex


[spoiler=Blackwing God - V2]

1|Rgbt|Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu

2|Rgbt|Swallow's Nest

1|Rgbt|Swallow Flip


1|Rgbt|Against the Wind


1|Rgbt|Black Whirlwind

2|Rgbt|Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North

2|Rgbt|Blackwing - Elphin the Raven

3|Rgbt|Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow

3|Rgbt|Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame

1|Rgbt|Blackwing Armed Wing

1|Rgbt|Delta Crow - Anti Reverse

2|Potd|Mausoleum of the Emperor

3|Crms|Blackwing - Bora the Spear

3|Crms|Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind

1|Crms|Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn

1|Crms|Blackwing Armor Master

2|Tdgs|Stardust Dragon

2|Rgbt|Level Warrior

1|Dp08|Armory Arm

2|Sd8|Icarus Attack

1|Mrd|Heavy Storm

1|Mrd|Mirror Force

1|Lon|Magic Cylinder

1|Fotb|Field Barrier

1|Fet|Lightning Vortex

1|Lob|Monster Reborn

2|Ptdn|Allure of Darkness

2|Ptdn|Dark Eruption

1|Sdrl|Brain Control


[spoiler=Miasma]3|Ptdn|Doomsday Horror

1|Ptdn|Dark Armed Dragon

1|Tdgs|Emergency Teleport


1|Csoc|Plaguespreader Zombie

2|Ptdn|Dark Grepher

2|Ptdn|Armageddon Knight

1|Cp03|Spirit Reaper

2|Crms|Spell Reactor - RE

2|Crms|Summon Reactor - SK

2|Crms|Trap Reactor - Y FI

3|Ptdn|Fires of Doomsday


1|Ptdn|Yubel - Terror Incarnate

1|Ptdn|Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare

2|Ptdn|Allure of Darkness

1|Ptdn|Rainbow Dark Dragon

1|Fotb|Recurring Nightmare

2|Ptdn|Dark Eruption

1|Mrd|Heavy Storm

1|Crms|Flying Fortress SKY FIRE

1|Mrd|Mirror Force

1|Sd4|Torrential Tribute

1|Ysd|Magic Cylinder

3|Pgd|Reckless Greed

2|Sdde|D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

3|Wc08|Dimensional Prison

2|Crms|Dark Strike Fighter

2|Tdgs|Stardust Dragon

2|Tdgs|Red Dragon Archfiend

1|Csoc|Doomkaiser Dragon

1|Tdgs|Goyo Guardian

1|Lob|Monster Reborn


[spoiler=Psy Chaos]

1|Rgbtpp|Master Gig

3|Rgbt|Reinforced Human Psychic Borg


2|Crms|Hyper Psychic Blaster

1|Crms|Lifeforce Harmonizer

2|Tdgs|Psychic Commander

3|Tdgs|Psychic Snail

2|Crms|Psychic Sword

2|Csoc|Psychic Trigger

2|Csoc|Psychic Lifetrancer

2|Tdgs|Thought Ruler Archfiend


2|Tdgs|Mind Master

2|Ptdn|Fires of Doomsday

2|Crms|Telekinetic Power Well

2|Tdgs|Telekinetic Charging Cell


1|Ptdn|Prime Material Dragon

1|Csoc|Overdrive Teleporter

3|Tdgs|Mind Over Matter

1|Tdgs|Emergency Teleport

1|Rgbt|Psychic Path


3|Tdgs|Telepathic Power

2|Tdgs|Doctor Cranium

2|Tdgs|Stardust Dragon

1|Tdgs|Goyo Guardian

1|Ysdj|Heavy Storm

1|Lob|Monster Reborn

1|Mrd|Mirror Force

1|Sd2|Torrential Tribute


[spoiler=Battery Mania]

3|Lodt|Batteryman Micro-Cell

3|Tlm|Batteryman AA

2|Lodt|Batteryman Charger

2|Lodt|Batteryman Industrial Strength

2|Lodt|Short Circuit

2|Dp2|Inferno Reckless Summon

2|Tdgs|Judgment of Thunder

2|Tdgs|Recycling Batteries

1|Eoj|Super-Electromagnetic Voltech Dragon


3|Mrl|Shining Angel


2|Lodt|Guardian of Order

1|Sd2|Heavy Storm

1|Lob|Monster Reborn

2|Sdrl|Lightning Vortex

1|Mrd|Mirror Force

1|Sdrl|Malevolent Catastrophe

1|Lon|Torrential Tribute

1|Sd6|Magic Cylinder

3|Pgd|Reckless Greed





Gandora The Dragon of Destruction x1

Light and Darkness Dragon x1

Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End x1

White Horned Dragon x 1

Montage Dragon x1

Silva, Warlord of Darkworld x1

The Tricky x1

Silent Swordsman Lvl5 x1

Silent Swordsman Lvl3 x1

Junk Synchron x1

Marshmallon x1

Drillago x1

Magna Drago x1

Handcuffs Dragon x1

Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy x 1

Cyber Valley x1

Stealth Bird x 1

Tune Warrior x1

Sinister Sprocket x 1

Nettles x1

Archfiend Soldier x1

Nitro Synchron x1

Quillbolt Hedgehog x1

Mirage Dragon x1

Blade Knight x1

Dark Resonator x1



Synchro Boost x1

Monster Reborn x1

Synchro Blast Wave x1

DeSynchro x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Double Summon x1

Fires of Doomsday x1



Scrap-Iron Scarecrow x1

Miniaturize x1

Draining Shield x1

Synchro Strike x 1

Defense Draw x1

Urgent Tuning x1

Synchro Deflector x1

Zoma the Spirit x1


Extra Deck:

Stardust Dragon x 2

Red Dragon Archfiend x 2

Nitro Warrior x 2

Black Rose Dragon x 2

Iron Chain Dragon x 1

Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth x 1

Junk Warrior x 3


[spoiler=Arkel][spoiler=Yubel Deck]Monsters (20)

3x Yubel

2x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin

2x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

2x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior

2x Dark Grepher

2x Doom Shaman

1x Yubel - Terror Incarnate

1x Yubel - the Ultimate Nightmare

1x Armageddon Knight

1x Chaos Sorcerer

1x Judgment Dragon

1x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

1x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress


Spells (16)

3x Charge of the Light Brigade

3x Solar Recharge

2x Swing of Memories

2x The Warrior Returning Alive

2x Exile of the Wicked

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Reinforcement of the Army


Traps (4)

3x Limit Reverse

1x Torrential Tribute

[spoiler=Zeta Deck]Monsters -21-

3 Zeta Reticulant

3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

3 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

2 Black Salvo

2 Destiny Hero - Malicious

1 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

1 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

1 Treeborn Frog

1 Card Trooper

1 Sangan

1 Marshmallon

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Chaos Sorcerer


Spells -13-

2 Foolish Burial

2 Enemy Controller

1 Book of Moon

1 Soul Exchange

1 Hand Destruction

1 Card Destruction

1 Brain Control

1 Monster Reborn

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Giant Trunade

1 Heavy Storm


Traps -6-

3 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Karma Cut

1 Torrential Tribute


Total: 40


[spoiler=Blackwing Deck]

Monsters -20-

3x Gale the Whirlwind

3x Bora the Spear

3x Shura the Blue Flame

3x Kalut the Moon Shadow

2x Blizzard of the Far North

2x Sirocco the Dawn

2x Battlestorm

1x Sangan

1x DLZ


Spells -10-

2x Swallow's Nest

2x Dark Eruption

2x Black Whirlwind

1x Storm

1x Trunade

1x MST

1x Reborn


Traps -10-

3x Delta Crow - Anti Reverse

3x Reckless Greed

2x Roar

2x Icarus Attack


Total: 40


[spoiler=Rescue Glads]

Monsters -18-

3 Test Tiger

2 Samnite

2 Rescue Cat

2 Laquari

2 Darius

1 Prisma

1 Retiari

1 Hoppy Hippo

1 Bestiari

1 Equeste

1 Murmillo

1 Secutor


Spells -15-

3 Cold Wave

3 E-Con

3 Book of Moon

1 Brain Control

1 Soul Taker


1 Trunade

1 Storm

1 Reborn


Traps -7-

3 Solemn

3 War Chariot

1 Torrential


Total: 40






(Ra Yellow Duelists)

[spoiler=.:lawliet:. - YVD Name: Lawliet2]


Giant Trunade x2

Smashing Ground

Soul Exchange

Heavy Storm

Shallow Grave

Lightning Vortex

Cyclone Boomerang

Premature Burial

Nightmare's Steelcage

Monster Reborn

Black Pendant



Negate Attack

Magic Jammer

Draining Shield x2

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Rising Energy

Magic Cylinder







Light and Darkness Dragon



Grave Protector


Black Stego


The Creator

The Creator Incarnate



Archfiend Soldier

Gemini Elf

Morphing Jar

Dark Blade x2

Chiron the Mage

Kaiser Sea Horse x2



Simorgh, Bird of Divinity

Sonic Shooter

Sonic Duck

Harpie Girl

Slate Warrior

Flying Kamakiri #1 × 2

Harpie Lady Sisters × 2




Lady Ninja Yae

Roc from the Valley of Haze

Harpie Lady 1

Harpie Lady 2

Harpie Lady 3

Swift Birdman Joe

Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon



Card Destruction

Mystical Space Typhoon

Nobleman of Crossout

Elegant Egotist × 2

Heavy Storm


Harpies' Hunting Ground × 2

Triangle Ecstasy Spark

Lightning Vortex



Hysteric Party

Aqua Chorus

Dust Tornado

Call of the Haunted

Magic Jammer

Dark Coffin

Reckless Greed

Sakuretsu Armor

Ninjitsu Art of Transformation

Icarus Attack




Psychic Life Trancer

Iron Chain Dragon



Charcoal Inpachix1

Gob attack forcex1

Red E. Dragonx1

D hero Defenderx1



hane hanex1

sacred phoenix of nephthysx1

Nimble Momongax1

labyrinth wallx1

Rose warrior of revengex1

hand of nephthysx1

soul tigerx1

pixie knightx1

lesser fiendx1

armed samurasi ben kaix1

armed ninjax1

psychic jumperx1

big shield gardnax1

doctor craniumx2

wall of ivyx1

zera the mantx1



stray lambsx1

monster rebornx1

black pendantx3

zera ritualx1

gravekeeper's servantx1

magical malletx1

axe of despairx1



telepathic powerx1

psychic overloardx1

draining shieldx1

skull invitationx1

fatal abacusx1

synchro deflectorx2

cemetery bombx2

psychic rejuvenationx2

mind over matterx1

option hunterx1

ultimate offeringx1


[spoiler=radio414][spoiler=Zombie Reincarnation]Monsters


Vampire Genesis x1

Vampire Lord x3

Despair from the Dark x1

Pyramid Turtle x3

Ryu Kokki x2

Regenerating Mummy x2

Poison Mummy x2

Paladin of Cursed Dragon x1

Royal Keeper x1

Goblin elite Atack Force x1

Brain Jacker x1

Spirit Reaper x1

Soul Reaper ((YCM) see above) x2

Soul Absorbing Bone Tower x1



Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Brain Control x1

Change of heart (Banned #1) x1

Pot of Avarice x1

Pot of Greed (Banned #2) x1

Graceful Charity (Banned #3) x1

Call of the Mummy x3

Premature Burial (Banned #4) x1

Book of Life x3

Wave Motion Cannon x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Smashing Ground (old, no reference to face up monsters) x1

Monster Reborn x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Monster Reincarnation x1

Heavy Storm x1



Sakuretsu Armor x3

Radiant Mirror Force x1

Dust Tornado x2

Majic Cylinder x1

Raigeki Break x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Call of the Haunted (Banned #5) x1





(Slifer Red Duelists)

[spoiler=nightwing2199 - YVD Name: Nightwing2199]Monsters:

-dark magician

-buster blader

-dark magician girl

-summoned skull

-Elemental Hero Neos 2x

-Elemental Hero Avian 2x

-Elemental Hero Burstinatrix 2x

-Elemental Hero Clayman 2x

-Elemental Hero Sparkman 2x

-breaker the magical

-neo the magic swordsman

-obnoxios celtic guardian

-magician of faith

-Neo Spacian Flare Scarab


-big shield gardna

-mystical elf

-giant soldier of stone


-Neo Spacian Aqua Dolphin

-Neo Spacian Air Hummingbird

-Neo Spacian Ground Mole

-Neo Spacian Glowmoss

-Neo Spacian Black Panther



-dark paladin

-Elemental Hero Flame Wingman

-Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman

-Elemental Hero Air Neos

-Elemental Hero Aqua Neos

-Elemental Hero Flare Neos

-Elemental Hero Grand Neos

-Elemental Hero Glow Neos

-Elemental Hero Dark Neos



-black luster soldier



-The Warrior Returning Alive

-swords of revealing light

-monster reborn

-change of heart


-axe of despair

-pot of greed 2x



-black luster soldier

-graceful charity 2x

-diffusion wave-motion

-dark hole

-Miracle Fusion

-Neo Space

-Heated Heart

-Emergency Call

-Righteous Justice


-HERO Flash

-Hero Heart



-Negate Attack 2x

-magic cylinder

-mirror force

-spellbinding circle

-Hero Signal


-dust tornado

-A Hero Emerges

-Hero Barrier


[spoiler= -Đædalus- - YVD Name: Akumanoryu]18 Monsters

[1] DS - Gorg the Strong


[3] Don Zaloog

[3] DS - Chick the Yellow

[3] DS - Maenae

[3] Cliff the Trap Remover

[2] Field Comander Rahz

[2] Mystic Tomato

[1] Sangan


16 Spells

[3] Burden of the Mighty

[2] Shrink

[3] Mustering

[2] Hand destruction

[2] The A. Forces

[1] RotA

[1] Trunade

[1] Heavy

[1] Monster Reborn


7 Traps

[3] Threathering Roar

[2] Limit Reverse

[1] Mirror Force

[1] Torrential


[spoiler=~Emo~ - YVD Name: i_lurv_cassie]Monsters


REBD x 3

Red Eyes Wyvern x 3


Dark Grepher x 2

Sangan x 1

Plaguespreader Zombie x 1

Elemental Hero Prisma x 3

Chaos Sorcerer x 1

White Stone of Legend x 2

Masked Dragon x 2





D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation x 1

Heavy Storm x 1

Allure of Darkness x 2

Swing of Memories x 3

Card of Safe Return x 1

Monster Reborn x 1

Giant Trunade x 1




Threatening Roar x 3

Solemn Judgment x 3

Birthright x 2

Return from the Different Dimension x 1


[spoiler=1337noob - YVD Name: 1337noob][spoiler=Deck Unnamed]Monsters:

Yata Garasu

Mystical Beast Serket

Batteryman AA x3

Protector of the Sanctuary x3


Neo Spacian Grand Mole

Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

Morphing Jar

Snipe Hunter

Makyura the Destroyer

Infernal Hammer

Blue-Eyes White Dragon x3


Twin Headed Behemoth



Cathedral of Nobles


Painful Choice

Mystical Space Typhoon

Brain Control

Book of Moon

Nobleman of Crossout x2

Battery Charger

Infernal Reckless Summon

Card Destruction

Heavy Storm

Gold Sarcophagus




Drop Off

Mirror Force

Magical Cylinder

Torrental Tribute

Wall of Revealing Light



left leg of the forbidden one

right leg of the forbidden one

right arm of the forbidden one

left arm of the forbidden arm

exodia the forbidden arm

blast sphere x3

blowback dragon

breaker the magical warrior

chainsaw insect

manticore of darkmess x2


mobius the frosted monarch

morphing jar

spirit reaper


zaborg the thunder monarch x2



brain control

card of safe return

foolish burial x2

gold sarcophagus

hand destruction x2

magical mallet

my body as a shield

mystical space typhoon

nobleman of crossout

nobleman of extermination

swords of revealing light

hammer shot



magic jammer x2

trap jammer

seven tools of the bandit x2

mirror force




Helios the primordial sun

Warror Lady

D.D. Assailant

Exiled Force

D.D.M.-Diffrent Dimension Master

Chaosrider Gustaph

Caius the Shadow Monarch

Kycoo the ghost destroyer

Banisher of the radience 2x

D.D. Warrior

Golden Homunculus

Bazoo the Soul-Eater 2x

Dimensional Achemist

Samsara Kaiser

D.D. Scout Plane

D.D. Survivor 2x




Big Bang Shot

Lightning Vortex

Dark Core

Nobleman of Crossout

Enemy Controller

D.D.R-Diffrent Dimrnsion Reincarnation

Mystical Space Typhoon

Brain Control

Soul Release

Dimensional Fissure2x

Reinfocement of the army




Karma Cut

By order of the Emperor

D.D. Dynamite

Torrential Tribute

Sakuretsu Armor

Macro Cosmos

Bottomless Trap Hole


[spoiler=DarkHorse21][spoiler=Fallen Monsters]Monsters


3x The Tricky

3x Skilled Dark Magician

3x Alien Shock Trooper

2x Gladiator Beast Andal

2x Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei

1x Mobius The Frost Monarch

1x Caius The Shadow Monarch

1x White-Horned Dragon

1x The Fiend Megacyber

1x Tribe Infecting Virus

1x Night Assailant

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior




1x Raigeki

1x Change of Heart

1x Pot of Greed

1x Scapegoat

1x Fissure

1x Heavy Storm

1x Premature Burial

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Nobleman of Crossout

1x Sword of Revealing Light




1x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Mirror Force

1x Ring of Destruction

1x Seven Tools of the Bandit

1x Scrap-iron Scarecrow

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Sakuretsu Armor

1x Kunai with Chain

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

1x Magic Jammer

[spoiler=Synchro Crystal Beasts]Monsters


2x Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger

3x Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus

2x Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise

2x Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

2x Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle

2x Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat

3x Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth

2x Rainbow Dragon

2x Junk Warrior

2x Dark Resonator




1x Mirror Force

1x Crystal Pair

1x Crystal Counter

1x Crystal Raigeki

1x Magic Jammer

1x Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

1x Seven Tools of the Bandit

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Sakuretsu Armor

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device




2x Ancient City-Rainbow Ruins

2x Crystal Tree

1x Crystal Release

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Heavy Storm

1x Painful Choice

1x Monster Reborn




2x Goyo Guardian

2x Junk Warrior

2x Black Rose Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon


[spoiler=Armored Deck]



3x Armored Dragon LV3

3x Armored Dragon LV5

3x Armored Dragon LV7

1x Armored Dragon LV10

2x Masked Dragon

2x Flying Kamakiri #1

3x The tricky

2x Mobius the frost monarch

1x Caius the shadow monarch




1x Change of Heart

1x Pot of Greed

1x Scapegoat

1x Fissure

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster reborn

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Nobleman of Crossout

1x Sword of Revealing Light

1x Soul Exchange

1x Brain Control




1x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Mirror Force

1x Ring of Destruction

1x Seven Tools of the Bandit

1x Scrap-iron Scarecrow

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Sakuretsu Armor

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

1x Magic Jammer





Exiled Force x1

Poison Mummy x1

Jetroid x1

Kisetai x1

Ebon Magician Curran x1

White Magician Pikeru x1

Inaba White Rabbit x1

Gyroid x1

Cure Mermaid x1

Swarm of Locusts x1

Princess of Tsurugi x 1

Marie the Fallen One x1

Hane-Hane x1

Dancing Fairy x1

Mystic Tomato x1

Morphing Jar x1




Pot of Greed x1

Graceful Charity x1

Tremendous Fire x1

Hinotama x 1

Pigeonholding Book of Spells x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Vengeful Bog Spirit x1

Foolish Burial x1

Insect Barrier x1

The Dark Door x1




Numinous Healer x1

Waboku x1

Solemn Wishes x1

Magic Jammer x1

DNA Surgery x1

Magic Cylinder x1

Type Zero Magic Crusher x1

Draining Shield x1

Fairy Box x1

Sakuretsu Armor x1

Drop Off x1

Negate Attack x1

Spell Binding Circle x1

Threatening Roar x1




(Applicant Duelists - Duelists Who Are Preparing To Duel legendhiro for Acceptance Into DA.)

[spoiler=moldfire]Monsters = 60

Extra Deck = 6


Syncro Monsters =4

Revived King Ha Des

Nitro Warrior

Magical Android

Psychic Lifetrancer


Fusion Monsters = 2

Superalloy Beast Raptinus

Elemental Hero Pheonix Enforcer


Deck - Monsters = 27

Elemental Hero Avian

Elemental Hero Clayman

Twin-Shield Defender


Fire Trooper

Dark Blade X2

Dark Crusader

Felgrand Dragon

Turbo Booster

Getsu Fuhma

Iron Chain Blaster

Celtic Guardian

Warrior Dai Grepher

Mind Master


Psychic Commander X2

Vengeful Shinobi


Psychic Jumper

Mutant Mindmaster

Mind Protector

The End of Anubis

Warrior of Zera

Quilbolt Hedgehog

Iron Chain Repairman


Deck - Spells = 14

Ribbon of Rebirth


Mausoleum of the Emperor

Pot of Avarice

Spell Shattering Arrow

Monster Reborn

Field Barrier

Remove Trap


PSI - Station

Mage Power

Heavy Storm


Lightwave Tuning


Deck - Traps = 19

Confusion Chaff

Summon Limit

Trap of Darkness

Grave Lure

Spellbinding Circle

Ordeal of a Traveler

Syncro Strike

Psychic Rejuvenation

Sakuretsu Armor

Trap Jammer

Seven Tools of the Bandit

Magical Arm Shield

Kozaky's Self-Destruct Button

Magic Cylinders

Magic Jammer X2

Waboku x 2

Cemetary Bomb




Of course, if you are not yet a member of Duel Academy, just click one of the above banners and you'll be sent there to apply.


Good Luck Students!!!![/align]

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Here I am.


I have multiple builds.


pm them all. they all need to be public to make things fair. just let your opponent which one you plan to use before a duel starts.

i will pm my test deck as soon as i finish putting it together.


The only people I duel know my REBD builds very well.

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lol@how the decks posted so far' date=' Match the rank of said duelist XP


And wouldnt dueling on the forum here, Be a bit hectic?



It's worked out so far. If a problem arises, well...that'll be up to legendhiro to decide.


Also, a new requirement for anyone dueling on YVD, PM your YVD account name to me as well.

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Guest Morpheous Erebos

I will. I have a few cards not on the list though... I will PM O then, when he accepts, I'll duel you.

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