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Synchro Toolbox

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Just a thought. I'm trying to keep it as TCG as possible because I want it to be IRL, but unfortunately I needed to use some OCG cards.


Monsters -24-

2x Giant Rat

1x Jutte Fighter

1x Psychic Commander


2x Mystic Tomato

1x Krebons

1x Dark Resonator


2x UFO Turtle

1x Magna Drago

1x Flamvell Archer


2x Flying Kamakiri #1

1x Turbo Synchron

1x Strange Bird of Mist Valley


2x Mother Grizzly

1x Deep Sea Diva

1x Feng Shui Master of the Ice Barrier


2x Shining Angel

1x Frequency Magician

1x Chaos End Master


Spells -13-

3x Shrink

3x Book of Moon

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Brain Control

1x Pot of Avarice

1x Smashing Ground


Traps -3-

3x Threatening Roar


Generic Extra Deck with 1 Turbo Warrior

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Does this actually work IRL?


Never tested it before. Just an idea I thought of and wanted feedback. Looks like it could work - use elemental recruiters to search whatever Tuner is best for the situation.

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