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Ultimate Deck Competition


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Ok lets start...rules...


1.You must make 40 written cards.(one deck)+2 fusion written cards.

2.It must be Zombie-Type deck.

3.25 monsters,8 spell cards,7 trap cards + 2 fusion monsters.

4.All monsters must have effects.

5.The deck must be a little overpowered.

6.All monsters must be Dark type

7.It must have a field spell card.

8.The deck must be better then a Warrior and Spellcaster deck,so it must have effects like "this card gets 500 ATK poinst for each warrior-type monster on the field" or something...

9.Grammar must be good...


Dead line is 22 october(monday)




1.Place - 3 Rep + 30 points

2.Place - 2 Rep


I'm the only judge,so i decide who is the winner.


No entry reserving...

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