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The Total Drama Action Club

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Ahh. I see. So who's psyched about this Thursday's episode?


Also I signed up for Best. Game. Ever. Completed three tasks.


1. Inflate the bounce house.

2. Get tennis balls from Harold, Trent, Duncan and Owen and give them to Chef.

3. Have a crushed intern sign a waver form.


Better hurry and sign up now before it's too late.

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ahh missed the new episode


For Orihime' date=' You male or female? Just want to be sure. If you're Male I can give you a male spot. If you're female, I'll give you a FemaLE sPOT.




Male. I missed the first episode on Thursday and saw it at 9:00 PM on Sunday. So, what male characters are left?

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I suppose I could fit you in as our new DJ. WHat do you think of that?


Sounds great man!


Cant wait until tomorrow. I wonder if they'll do a season 3? I hope so. During the time period between TDI and TDA, I had nothing to look forward to until Saturdays (local tournaments.) Now, I have two days of the week to look forward to.

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In this episode the castmates had to find "alien Eggs" while being chased by Chef in an alien suit with a paintball gun. Izzy was caught and chef and her had like a sorta gun show off. Owen was elminated from the challenge because of his "bowls". Gwen, Trent and Duncan found some eggs in the boiler room. Chef found them and they ran out side while Chris poured alien goop all over them. Gwen necklace was about to fall down the drain but an egg was about to fall and break. Trent chose Love over the win and also found two more eggs too boot.

He gave one to gwen so they were team captains and are now competing against each other.

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It has been noted Donnie.


And Pikadude, great to hear from you. You're the captain of the Killer Grips. but You and Gwen are on opposite teams, bummer.


do you hav any charactors open im new to this and wuld like to be part of the only tda club?


That depends, are you a boy or a girl?

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