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The Total Drama Action Club

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Maybe run-offs for TDM(Cody is in this one, as well as Owen, Zeke, Izzy e.t.c)


Plus, on Deviantart, I GOT ON TDAA(Total Deviant Art Action, I knew I should've done it as soon as the application was posted on the journal)! Root for my character Alex, TDI Owen & anyone else from it, just befriend ToonGenius, & watch it.

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Come on people. Vote for Beth.


Of course after the special or the finale, The club will be closed.


The vote off order is:

1. Geoff and Bridgette

2. Izzy (E-Scope)

3. Trent

4. Gwen

5. DJ

6. Izzy (Explosivo)

7. Owen

8. Heather

9. Leshawna

10. Justin

11. Lindsay

12. Harold

13. Courtney and Owen


We want Beth to win so vote for her.

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