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Following the steps of DG and Con. in making Boosters [Trying a new style]

E-Hero Kyle

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[align=center]I'm following the steps of the Legendary DG and the Legendary Con. in booster pack making. Here I am, E-Hero Kyle, making a new style in Classic Boosters.


[spoiler=The Classic Booster]






[spoiler=the booster comes to life]






Plz rate, CnC.


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The pack real-life version almost fooled me in terms of it being realistic As soon as I finish my new BG' date=' I'll give it to you, though, so that it looks even more realistic



Thanks! You're such a good person


Lookin good' date=' I advise making your own background (thought i may take 4ever). Or, you could look on the web for a egyptian carving and either trace it, or lower the contrast and colorize when hueing it



OK, I'll try it

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