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whats better PSP or DS

Axel Bind

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I have both, yet use the PSP more.


I like the PSP better.


The DS has some pretty awesome games' date=' and the Touch Screen is epic win for creative freedom on many of them. My personal favorite hand-held RPG is also on the DS (The World Ends With You), and the Touch Screen rules.


In fact, in terms of just games, the DS wins hands down.


BUT, the PSP does have some better graphics. And I just find the hand=held internet browser so freaking convenient. In addition to that, it also plays Music, Videos, and stores pictures. It even works as a back-uup flash drive. =O Whenever I need to store a few files for safe-keeping, I can count on my PSP.


So overall, I'm gonna say PSP.


In terms of games and fun-factor, I like the DS.



Couldn't have said it better myself.

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I had a PSP and got rid of it, not that i dint like it just i never used it, battery died all the time and no relie good game came out for it


Where I still have my DS as i LOVE Pokemon and always like the YuGiOh games on it.

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My opinion fluctuates based on what game I'm currently addicted to playing ^_^



The DSi hate is stupid. It has extra features that are somewhat lackluster, but if you're buying the DS for anything other than its games, you're buying it for the wrong reason. If the GBA game slot is that important to you, keep your lite and don't buy it. You don't have to whine on the internet that your chance to have a DS that can do the same thing your other 5 media devices do better is ruined by it's lack of a gba slot. Just keep your lite and stfu.



Right now, in terms of games, I like the DS more.


In terms of features (see Zexy's post, anything I say would essentially be a repetition of his main points) the PSP is the better.



Just another thing to point out though:

Unless you're thinking about buying one and want advice on which you would enjoy more, what is the point of these polls?


It's essentially a bunch of people arguing that what they bought is better in an effort to feel superior over everyone else, while failing miserably and looking like jerkasses >_>


Also, why is it impossible to discuss the pros and cons of anything without the majority of the people getting into an "X sucks, Y rules" war that fails basic English? Are your minds so feeble you cannot control these primitive emotions? Worthless wretches.

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My opinion fluctuates based on what game I'm currently addicted to playing ^_^



The DSi hate is stupid. It has extra features that are somewhat lackluster' date=' but if you're buying the DS for anything other than its games, you're buying it for the wrong reason. If the GBA game slot is that important to you, keep your lite and don't buy it. You don't have to whine on the internet that your chance to have a DS that can do the same thing your other 5 media devices do better is ruined by it's lack of a gba slot. Just keep your lite and stfu.



Right now, in terms of games, I like the DS more.


In terms of features (see Zexy's post, anything I say would essentially be a repetition of his main points) the PSP is the better.



Just another thing to point out though:

Unless you're thinking about buying one and want advice on which you would enjoy more, what is the point of these polls?


It's essentially a bunch of people arguing that what they bought is better in an effort to feel superior over everyone else, while failing miserably and looking like jerkasses >_>


Also, why is it impossible to discuss the pros and cons of anything without the majority of the people getting into an "X sucks, Y rules" war that fails basic English? Are your minds so feeble you cannot control these primitive emotions? Worthless wretches.



^This. See this post and Zexy's post for my opinion.

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