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E-Hero Kyle

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OK then, but I PM it to them because if you get the order wrong or something you have to redo it sometimes and then they get 2 boosters for the price of one. So if I see the wrong order outside the PM box, I will give them 1 neg a day until the remove it, but I will show you next time ^_^. It also helps other people from stealing it ^_^.

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Duelist Name:Yusei

Duelist Render:YUSEIRENDER.jpg

Monster Render(s):turbobooster.jpg



BG Color:Blue


I asure you i rendered Yusei,Turbo Booster and Tuningware,Stardust Dragon i found it somewhere.

Besides i'm not able to do renders because im having troubles with my PC,so its ok if you dont want to do this booster,anyway

oh maybe you want the renders in png,then let me redo them.


Duelist Name:Yusei

Duelist Render:YUSEIRENDER.png

Monster Render(s):turbobooster.png



BG Color:Blue

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Avatar: http://img60.imageshack.us/img60/9695/yang.png

BG Color: Fiery Brown (Avatar BG Colour)

Text Color:White

Rank: 2

Favorite Monster Render Or just simply render: http://i623.photobucket.com/albums/tt311/YangRender/Renders/NICOLBOLAS.png (one my my renders :))

Joined Date: 04-25-2009

Best Known For: His Rendering

Cost: 3pts (Paid in Advance




I'm sorry but I made this before you changed the Best Known

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Avatar: http://img60.imageshack.us/img60/9695/yang.png

BG Color: Fiery Brown (Avatar BG Colour)

Text Color:White

Rank: 2

Favorite Monster Render Or just simply render: http://i623.photobucket.com/albums/tt311/YangRender/Renders/NICOLBOLAS.png (one my my renders :))

Joined Date: 04-25-2009

Best Known For: His Rendering

Cost: 3pts (Paid in Advance




I'm sorry but I made this before you changed the Best Known


S'all good. I didn't mind which one it was anyway. Thanks I really wanted one of these :)

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Al right i think the next "renders" are not those but its to show you im having troubles with Photoshop and i dont know what to do.


Duelist Name:Jack Atlas

Duelist Render:jackrender.png

Monster Render(s):sinistersprocket.png



(i found Red Dragon Archfiend render,i didnt rendered it my self and i dont know how can it be HQ

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Al right i think the next "renders" are not those but its to show you im having troubles with Photoshop and i dont know what to do.


Duelist Name:Jack Atlas

Duelist Render:jackrender.png

Monster Render(s):sinistersprocket.png



(i found Red Dragon Archfiend render' date='i didnt rendered it my self and i dont know how can it be HQ



You really don't know how to render aren't you? You need not to flattened it because even if you save it as .png it will still be a flat image. I re render it so it costs additional 3pts!



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oh sorry i really don't know how it works

this is the render:



and a YCMember Cards with tobi on it


Damn' date=' Not Following forms, and that is not a render.



Booster Name: The Blood Of Nightmares

Booster Text Color: Red

BG Color: a Orangish color

Render: uploadedimages/2009-05-28/555118718.jpg



Image Not Working


Can I get an Anime card please?






Cost: 3pts

I sent you the points.



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