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E-Hero Kyle

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YGO Structure Deck Plz Plz




YGO booster Plz:


Booster Name: Flare Darkness

Booster Text Color: Dark Red

BG Color: Black

Render: http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-12957 ( Delete The Xbox Thing )

Others: None


YGO Tin:


Tin Name: Dark Angel of Immense Destruction

BG Color:Black

Card Image: 20it6dt.png

Card Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-10643 ( not the little logo thing )


I won't do it! You stole my Prototype Tech Circle in your 5D's tin in your Shop. Here is the proof




You put on your shop that that is Cove's Template but why is my Tech Circle there?

Pay for it and credit or face 3 negs!!!



You've just remove the Bevel effect of the circle. You claimed it as Cove's Template!


That Came With His OCG Tin, I Didnt Steal it, i Cant Even Be Bothered to opy and Past Stuff Then Put Them in, I Just Downloaded Coves OCG Tin Pack, It Came With That Tech Circle

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Booster Name: Persephone the Dark

Booster Text Color: Yellow

BG Color: Red

Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-14025



Okay' date=' back to business! Next Time, state the name of the item you are ordering.



Can you make me a 5D's OCG pack? Here's the order:


Booster Name: Zero Reverse

Booster Text Color: Red

BG Color: Black

Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-29589

Others: Nothing else.



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Hi I would like 1 member card.


Avatar: The one I have right now.

BG Color: Blue

Text Color: Red

Rank: 5 (<== Going to have soon!)

Favorite Monster Render Or just simply render: Rescue Cat

Joined Date: October 17 2008

Best Known For: For have great cards.


I pay when I get it. PM it to me with the code please.

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Can I get a Trainer card?

How much do they cost?


Pokemon: Kyogre' date=' Groudon, Palkia, Dialga, Lucario, Darkrai

Trainer: Rakesh

Name: Rakesh

Color: Blue

Form 1 or 2: 2


Your order, and you didn't state the trainer correctly if you don't like it you don't have to pay ^_^


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background add please:



i'll give you 2 points extra if you change the name"rare king cards" into the real creator of yu gi oh(sorry' date='im sorta new)

sending points now....





Hi I would like 1 member card.


Avatar: The one I have right now.

BG Color: Blue

Text Color: Red

Rank: 5 (<== Going to have soon!)

Favorite Monster Render Or just simply render: Rescue Cat

Joined Date: October 17 2008

Best Known For: For have great cards.


I pay when I get it. PM it to me with the code please.




An anime card of this pl0x




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Form: Holo card


Holo sheet: Colour-Black or Red if possible, if not any colour.

Cost: 2 Points-extra 1 point for certain Holo.

Form: Holo card


Holo sheet: Colour-Silver or Blue if possible, if not any colour.

Cost: 2 points-extra 1 point for certain Holo.

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Form: Holo card


Holo sheet: Colour-Black or Red if possible' date=' if not any colour.

Cost: 2 Points-extra 1 point for certain Holo.

Form: Holo card


Holo sheet: Colour-Silver or Blue if possible, if not any colour.

Cost: 2 points-extra 1 point for certain Holo.





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Form: Holo card


Holo sheet: Colour-Black or Red if possible' date=' if not any colour.

Cost: 2 Points-extra 1 point for certain Holo.

Form: Holo card


Holo sheet: Colour-Silver or Blue if possible, if not any colour.

Cost: 2 points-extra 1 point for certain Holo.





Il give u 7 points now-Ps how do i get the cards? and could you make tins for each of them plz with black background and grey writing for the dragon and a light blue background with white writing for the warrior guy-the holo version.

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