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WWE Demolition - ECW 5/5/09

Zack Blaze

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Wich is wierd


On Star's thread, he said

"Striker just can't catch a break huh?

It all started when I WON THE US TITLE"


Wierd for him to do that, but oh well, I like it.

But, the fact that I'm in a no.1 contender thing doesn't mean I iz gonna win. Much less, beat the champion XD

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sun is up.


Far anough


Superstar or Diva - Superstar

Name - Kylarnatia

Hometown - United Kingdom

Weight - 500lbs

Height - 7 foot 2

Heel, Face, or Tweener - Tweener

Finisher (1,2, or 3) -

1. Chokeslam

2. Tiger Bomb

3. The Kylar Headbutt (lifts them up on his shoulders, throws them up, and headbutts them in mid-air)

Gimick - Tough and Huge, fights with brute force

Debut Promo (optional) - N/A

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He is big... Accepted


On the next Monday Night Raw, with tensions burning, who will be the #1 contender for Backlash? Will ith be Jeff Hardy, Triple H, or Zack Blaze? Or will Randy Orton have Backlash off? Plus Kylarnatia battles CM Punk. Live Monday May 11. 9/8c

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