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a hand drawn pic of a fanfic character...


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[align=center]first of all, does this even go here? this is my first time posting in "Showcase", so i have no idea. if its in the wrong place, let me know.


anyway, this is the main character from my "Yu-Gi-Oh! DF" fanfic, drawn in pencil, except for the pic on the card (i plan to finish it eventually as well as draw the other characters).


i tried to draw it similar to Takahashi's style, since it's based on his work.


let me know what you think...








chances are i'll forget that this is here, so feel free to be as brutal as you want.[/align]

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thanks. hair is really my biggest problem. i think i'll try to add more depth to it when i do the shading. i want to do at least some shading on the computer so it looks like a real manga (i plan to eventually make a manga of the fic). does anyone know of a good photoshop/gimp/paint tutorial? my graphics art skills suck beyond all reason...

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