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TUNER CAPTURE!! [discuss]

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Another new card from RGBT. This card is fun to play, but probably won't see tournament play anytime soon...Let's discuss....


Activate only when your opponent Synchro Summons a monster. Special Summon the Tuner monster used for that Synchro Summon from your opponent's Graveyard to your side of the field.

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Hurm...lets see the only tuners that see play most of the time are Plaguespreader(obviously revives itself to removal), Kerbons(E-tele/Power Well own this), Rose Warrior(Warrior retunring alive)...why Konami why must you make up random useless tuner revival!!?!?!...card is crap.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Tuner Capture

Normal Trap

If there is a face-up Synchro Monster on the field, Special Summon 1 Tuner Monster from either player's Graveyard.

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The main + is that there are no restrictions on the monster you get on your field ;)......


Yes becuase the monster is totaly going to survive your opponent's battle phase that turn >_>


Unless Krebons was used.

But other than being highly situational, this card is sh!t.

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