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Essence's Official Card Review Thread ~Updated Weekly~

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Now now, here we are. Wandering What kind of cards are out there, and how they can be used. What sucks, and what does not. Well, In my card reviews, You'll figure out.


TO view a reviewed card, just click the spoiler of the Card Name and read. This thread will be updated weekly. Thanks for reading ^_^


[spoiler=[b](5/5/09) Manticore Of Darkness[/b]]




Ah, Manticore Of Darkness. Don't people just love this card. It's Card Of Safe Return's Best Friend.


Card Text: "During the End Phase of any turn this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can send 1 Beast, Beast-Warrior or Winged Beast-Type Monster Card from your hand or your side of the field to the Graveyard to Special Summon this card from the Graveyard."


Rating Time!

Well, considering this card is a loop itself, I would give it a good ol' 10/10. But then I saw it's Level. Ewww, Six Stars. Ugh, annoying tributes. So that changed my Point Of View on Manticore. I lowered my rating down to 9/10. Yep, it's still grand, just not as much.


Well well well, look what we have here. A loop! This Monster is 1 of the biggest Loops I've seen within a card. Wow, Konami can really get dumb at times. By sending Manticore himself to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon him. How, by using himself. Destroy Manticore, then send one from your Deck to the Graveyard to Special Summon Manticore back from the Grave. Now send the new Special Summoned Manticore back to the Grave and Special Summon him again. Great draw power if used with Card of Safe Return.


[spoiler=A good Deck?]


3|Manticore of Darkness

1|Exodia the Forbidden One

1|Left Arm of the Forbidden One

1|Left Leg of the Forbidden One

1|Right Arm of the Forbidden One

1|Right Leg of the Forbidden One

3|Emissary Of The Afterlife


3| Cat of Ill Omen



3|Jar of Greed

1|Gravity Bind

3|Generation Shift

3|Time Machine



1|Swords of Revealing Light


2|Nightmare's Steelcage

1|Level Limit - Area B

2|Messenger of Peace

2|Hand Destruction

3|Dark Factory of Mass Production

2|Foolish Burial

1|Card of Safe Return







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Guest PikaPerson01
Well, considering this card is a loop itself, I would give it a good ol' 10/10. But then I saw it's Level. Ewww, Six Stars. Ugh, annoying tributes. So that changed my Point Of View on Manticore. I lowered my rating down to 9/10. Yep, it's still grand, just not as much.


You SS it from the hand or grave. Why is it's level relevant to the loop? The only time level should be relevant is for Synchros and Tuners.


On that note, JD and DAD are level 8 and 7 respectively. You gonna knock them down a peg too?


... Also, why does this update ONLY weekly? Not like you really put much effort into the review, *scrolls* or the deck, apparently.


Considering it's supposed to revolve around Manticore, not just the loop it provides, it does a poor job of providing it's intended goal. I mean, I mained Manticore and CoSR in one of my decks, but I just used it as a fun draw engine until I got 6 in my hand at every end phase. The deck could still survive without Manticore or without CoSR.

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