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YCM Trading Card Game Shop


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[align=center]Welcome to the YCM Trading Card Shop


For a list of the card game rules, look here:



The Card game has been given a name, Kurie-ta-karuto (Card Maker)


If you want a card, fill out this form (they're 3 pts each)



Card Name (Default is the user's name):


Effect Name (Optional):






Card Pic:










[spoiler=Waiting List]

.:Death Whisper Ryko:. >> May 30

Spider5667 >> May 20[/align]



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I really like the cards! I will take one, and pay you in advance:

Card Name (Default is the user's name): Retrogamer379

Effect: When this card is destroyed by a card your opponent possesses, remove 1 Soldier your opponent possesses that has a chemistry of 2 or more.

Effect Name (Optional): Chemical Disorder

ATK: 5

DEF: 1

HPT: 12

MGC: 2

Chemistry: 1

Card Pic: linux.jpg

Type: Hunter

Attribute: N/A

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I'll Have 2, PM me them when you are done Please


Card Name: Whispering Beginning - Jax

Effect: When this card is Assaulted, You can Decrease this card MGC by 1 to Increase this Card's DEF by 8, until the end of the Turn, Your opponent's Cannot Declare an Assault on any other soldier while this card is Face up

Effect Name (Optional): Death Whisper Barrier

ATK: 0

DEF: 11

HPT: 3

MGC: 12

Chemistry: 2 (Requires 1 Sacrifice)

[spoiler=Card Pic:]Anime45.jpg


Type: Mage

Attribute: Fire


Card Name: Whispering End - Ryko

Effect: When this card Declares an Assault, you can Decrease this card's MGC by 2 to Increase this card's ATK By 10 until the end of this turn, When this card Destroys a card your opponent Possesses, You can decrease this card's DEF by 3 to Remove 4 Life counters from your Opponent

Effect Name (Optional): Whispering Impact

ATK: 8

DEF: 9

HPT: 3

MGC: 12

Chemistry: 3 (Requires 1 Sacrifice of Any Element and 1 Sacrifice of a Fire Soldier, if not possible to put a type Sacrifice on those cards, 2 Fire Sacrifices will do)

[spoiler=Card Pic:]04079d55967267697e7d71bnc1.jpg


Type: Mage

Attribute: Fire

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Card Name (Default is the user's name): Dark Destroyer

Effect: When This Card Attacks a Mage Type Monster, Destroy The Monster Automatically And Remove 1 Life Point From Your Opponent

Effect Name (Optional): Self Destruct!

ATK: 15

DEF: 1

HPT: 20

MGC: 3

Chemistry: 1 Tribute

Card Pic: http://images.epilogue.net/users/mrauw/bw.jpg

Type: Fiend

Attribute: Dark

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ill pay you 150 points

to make me 15 cards however you want them to be make like

4 strong

5 in the middle

6 weak

every thing else is up to you but one of the middle ones must have this pic





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