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[Wc08]Arm wanted to make a Sky Scourge deck

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This is in-game btw...


And I'm probobly doing this wrong.


The sky is falling!

Monster - 20

Card Trooper

Malicious Edge - Its not a DARK-Attribute, But still

Kuriboh x3

Majestic Goryu x2

Morph Jar

Phantom O' Chaos x2


Enrise x3

Norleras x3

Winged Kuriboh x3


Spell - 15

Book of Moon x3

Card Destruction

Hand Collapse/Destruction x2




Kuriboh Flute x3

Trade-In x3


Trap - 5

Mirror Force

Solemn x3



Fusion - 3

The usual



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+?Foolish Burial

-?Whatever you feel like negging.


And yes I think it's wrong too but it has your artistic flair.


lol artistic flair


And maybe -2 Hand Collapse, and +2 Foolish Burial.

Since Foolish seems to give me more accurate targets, But is relatively slower.

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I would have said they were equally fast but Foolish does Hand Collapses psuedo job more acurately second to Draw Power.


Actually, You had it right. Since Draw-Power wont do anything, If I dont have the correct targets for the Sky Scourges

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Oh Yea? Well the lolwiki says:

Return from the Different Dimension

The Transmigration Prophecy

Negate Attack

Miraculous Descent

Escape from the Dark Dimension - Its not in this game

Sakuretsu Armor

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Spell Vanishing

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