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The [Made-Up] Pokemon Card Palace [Accepting over 100 users!]


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Hello and welcome to the Pokemon card Palace, where we battle with made up cards that I make!


Every Month or so i will add a set of 50 new cards, what you can buy a pack for 50 Pokedollars, which you recieve for winning battles [ you recieve 100 every batle you win]


I will make the starter deck soon, well I have made it but I need to post the cards for the starter deck here, because i need to go off computer soon.


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[spoiler=Starter Deck 1 - Giritinas Calling]

[spoiler=Porygon 2 | 2]

Porygon 2 80 HP/Colorless

Stage 1 Pokémon - Evolves from Porygon

Pokepower:Double Play

Once per turn, you can evolve a Pokémon you already evolved. You can also Level-Up a Pokémon you already evolved.



You can attach 2 energy cards from your hand to any of your Pokémon in any way you like.


Colorless/Colorless/Sphere Boom


Weakness/Ground+20 Resistance Retreat Cost/Colorless



[spoiler=Porygon | 4]

Porygon 50 HP Colorless

Basic Pokémon


Colorless/Conversion Beam


Porygon is now the defending Pokémons type.




Flip a coin, if heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage.

Weakness/Ground +10 Resistance Retreat Cost/1


















[align=center]1.You choose which order you draw cards, and you choose your hand.

2.Always put how many cards in your deck and hand somewere in the post and also say the pokemon you hacve in play, and anything important.

3.Always say which cards you play, e.g. If you play porygon from the starter deck, you say, I play Porygon [sD], If i made a set Raging Battle, you would say [RG]

4.Have fun![/align]






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