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New 9 Planets Warriors (revised)


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Card Type: Monster Ritual Fusion Spell Trap Effect

Attribute: Light Dark Fire Water Wind Earth Divine

Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Trap/Magic Type: None Equip Continuous Counter Quick-Play Field Ritual

Card Rarity: Common Rare Super Rare Ultra Rare Secret Rare Ultimate Rare

Picture URL:


Set ID: -

Type: Divine

Description: To summon this monster, you have to sacrifice Ritual of the Dark Swordsman and a level 8 monster. When this card is summoned to the field, all monsters loose 300 attack points. Once this card is destroyed, all monsters who lost the attack points het 500. If this card is destroyed by a trap or magic card, than all of the cards in your opponents hand are sent to the graveyard and your opponent draws a new hand.

ATK / DEF: /



Serial Number:

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I dont really like the fact that not all of them are monster cards, they are the 9 plantes warriors so shouldnt they be monster cards? or the other two are just supportive dudes that show up only in emergencies?


7/10 in my opinio im a newbie so i dont know how much my rating will count

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i like all of them but saturn the pic does not sute the monster


But the rest are very good




Not to give away all my secrets, lol. Saturn is basiclly a giant, which based on Roman myth is the Titan of greek myth Cronus. But thats my dorky side talking and hope that makes it give you more since. And I was thinking of changeing the other 2 to monster cards since I made more spell and trap cards. I'll work on that.

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