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My Deck (for real this time)

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First of all, I would like to apologize for the crappy deck i gave last time. It was because I had already forgot Yu-Gi-Oh 3 years so much that I forgot where I put my Trunk. So really, I am sorry for the sh**** deck, so moving on...


Here is the deck I have been using ever since '02 back when Starter Deck Kaiba was released. Back then Kaiba was my idol and I tried to really morph my deck to be like his. I have editted it just some days ago when I bought a bunch of new boosters and tins





Blue-Eyes White Dragon x2 (missing one)

The Light Hex-Sealed Fusion (make up for Blue Eyes)

La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp

Lord of D.

Kaiser Sea Horse x2

Slate Warrior

Vorse Raider


Des Feral Imp

Battle Ox

Mystic Horseman

Paladin of White Dragon

Blade Knight

Y-Dragon Head

Z-Metal Tank

X-Head Cannon



Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon

XYZ-Dragon Cannon

Rabid Horseman



Monster Reborn

Flute of Summoning Dragon

White Dragon Ritual

Cost Down

Premature burial

Fiend's Sanctuary

Polymerization x2

Double Snare

Heavy Storm





Virus Cannon

Ring of Destruction

Crush Card Virus

Negate Attack

Shadow Spell

Burst Breath

Dragon's Rage

D. Tribe

Call of the Haunted

Light of Intervention


TBH It's hard to cut down a lot of Kaiba cards to 40 so

if you have any feedback, I might have a card that

you are talking.

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It's derived from the words Terrible and Failure. It was invented by the long lost civilization of The Zandeer. They used the word to scare off the locals and thare poorly made charactor decks. Even today, The same word is used to strike fear in those who are idiots.

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