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☼Beginners Guide Emporium☼ [{<For All GD Beginners>}]

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Beginners Guide Emporium

Beginners Guide Emporium

This is the place for all Graphic Design Beginners. If you've just started with GD, keep viewing this thread for tuts and tips for gimp. If you roughly know most of the tools and selections on GIMP, Creating stuff like sigs and banners using my tuts should be understanding to you.

[spoiler=Before you can even start creating stuff download gimp->]

Step 1: Go here> http://www.gimp.org

Step 2: Download.

Step 3: Complete Setup Wizard

Step 4: Enjoy.


Below are the Tutorials, Tips and Definitions for you to go from Newbie with GIMP to Beginner with GIMP. You might even be a Pro with GIMP. Anyway, enjoy my suggestions and help.


[spoiler=XCF Files]

XCF files are different from common picture files like png, jpg and gif. These files are files you can edit using GIMP. Unlike picture files, xcf's still have their layers spread out. Picture files have compacted the layers together disabling it of editing. The downside of xcf's are that you can't post them straight as a picture. Unfortunatley, you have to save it as a png or jpg compacting it (I'd do 'Save as' so that you still have the .xcf file). Also, these files can be uploaded as a download; I recommend Medifire. It's free and easy to use. These files are good when you have a template of something you'd like to share. That's the definition of .xcf files.





* Instead of getting pictures for the background, custom make one using 'Filters'. The menu is along the top next to 'Colours'.

* Another Thing to use is brushes. You can download them from DeviantArt. For more info see the spoiler 'Tutorials'.

* When using renders, don't just put them on a background, put translucent stuff infront, burn the edges, experiment with your creation until the render is effectively put on.




[spoiler=1. Getting Brushes and using them]

Step 1: Type 'Deviantart Gimp Brushes' in google and click the first link.

Step 2: Type in an effect or brush type. (For testing this tutorial, type in 'Grunge' and click any one).

Step 3: Download the Brush to your Desktop. (It should say 'Download' along the side).

Step 4: Go onto 'My Computer' and, in the following order, click the folders: Local Disk->Program Files->Gimp 2.0->Share->Gimp->2.0->Brushes and copy and paste your downloaded Brush(es) in here.

After-note: They should appear on GIMP when you click the paint brush tool and browse the brushes.



[spoiler=2. Resizing]

To resize a image do the following:

Step 1: Open the Image.

Step 2: Click along the top Image->Scale Image.

Step 3: Type in the amounts you'd like.

Step 4: Press Ok.

Your picture should now be Resized.

If you want to resize a image while there are other layers with it, do this:

Step 1) Open the image with more then 1 layer on.

Step 2) Along the side where there is the window with the individual layers, Right click the one you want to resize.

Step 3) Click 'Scale Image'.

Step 4) Change the pixels to whatever you want.

Step 5) Click Okay

Now only the chosen image is resized. If not, you've probably miss-read something.


[spoiler=3. Rendering]

For rendering pictures do the following tut to any render:

Step 1) Open your render.

Step 2) Select the 'Fuzzy Select Tool'.


Step 3) Click the parts of the render you don't want. They should be marked by a dotted/dashes line going around it.

Step 4) Press 'Delete' on your keyboard. If it's still white, right click the layer on the Layer Window and click 'Add Alpha Channel'. Then select the bit again and press delete.

If there is a Black and grey checkerboard background, you've done it right.


If the outline seems rough do Steps 1 and 2 and do this:

Step 3) Select Feather edges and set it to 15.0. This may help:


Step 4) Do Step on the previous tut again.

The edges should be feather and glowing now. I always use feather edges but it's still okay to not us it.


[spoiler=4. Render and GIMP is all you need]

Before you create anything using this tut, save the following render:


It may need some rendering. If you don't know how to get the right way, check the tut 'Basic Rendering'.

It also needs resizing. Check the resizing tut if you don't know how to. If you do, set it 100x100 pixels.


Step 1: Start off with a white canvas 100x100 pixels.

Step 2: Copy and paste the render you got at the start all over the canvas like this:


Step 3: Now go to Filters->Blur->Gaussian blur and set the 2 amounts to 18.0.


Step 4: Copy the render, right click and go to Edit->Paste as...->Paste as new layer.


Step 5: Now set this layer to overlay by scrolling down the menu where it says 'Normal' above the layer window beside your original picture.


Step 6: Right click the layer (the layer on the layer window, not the picture itself) and click 'Duplicate Layer.

Your outcome should be this:


After-note: Try Doing the following creation with different renders that contain more than 3 colours. You can even decide to use this tut on Sigs, Banners and Tags.


[spoiler=5. [b]Category[/b]- Text][spoiler=5.1. The Simple One Colour Text]

Don't you know how to put on text? Well know you're gonna find out.

Step 1) Open up the image you'd like to put text on.

Step 2) On the Tools Window click the Big, Blue 'A'.


Step 3) Below that tool a bit should appear that says 'Font' and 'Size' and a box that has the colour black filled in. [spoiler=What that bit looks like:]



There do all of these to your liking:

-Choose a text by clicking the 'Ab' button.

-Choose the size

-Choose the colour by clicking the black box and choosing a colour.

-Draw a box on the picture where you'd like the text.

Step 4) Now a Box should appear. Type in your text on it then click 'Close'.

Step 5) Now, if you'd like to move it click the Move Button (see 'Tut 7.1', click the layer on the layers window, click the text on the picture and hold the mouse button down, then move the text to where ever.

After-note: If you'd like to resize the text, click the 'A' tool, click the text and change it using the bit that appears underneath the tool pad. For changing the text do the same but instead change the text from the window that appears when you click.


[spoiler=5.2. Importing Text]

Step 1) Go on to Dafont and search the texy you want.

Step 2) Click Download and save the file on your desktop.

Step 3) On Control Panel, click the following the button:


You should now come to this:


Now Click 'Fonts'.

Step 4) Copy your font off the desktop.

Step 5) Paste (Press Ctrl+V) in 'Fonts' your text.

Now your text should be able to use.




[spoiler=6. [b]Category[/b]- Filters]

Tuts coming soon...


[spoiler=7. [b]Category[/b]- Tools]

[spoiler=7.1- Move Tool]

This tool is called the 'Move Tool' because, obviously, you use it to move stuff. If you don't know how to use it then do the following.

Step 1) Click the 'Move tool'.


[spoiler=Zoom up]movetoolzoomup.png


Step 2) On the layer window, click the layer of the image you'd like to move.

Step3) Click the picture on the actual image.

Step 4) Hold the button and move the picture to wherever you'd want.

After-Note: Sometimes, when there is a layer infront of the image wanted to move, you end up moving the other layer you didn't want to move. To prevent this, temporarily send the layer of the image you'd like to move to the top of the list, move it, then put the layer back to where it was originally.


More Coming Soon...




Hope You Enjoy.

+Reps Appreciated

Copyright ©2009 God Kaiba

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New Category, Definitions; First one= XCF Files


Text tut coming soon

there's one way thats directly from GIMP

there's another good way involving rendering

There's another that's a bit more hassle you shouldn't use

Simple one colour text

rendering coming soon

two colours coming sooner :lol:

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