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The White Knights

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This deck was one of the top 16 decks at SJC. Also, this is very similar to Little City, but it's not really Little City anymore, so I'm gonna call it "The White Knights", bc it's sorta a Code Geass reference, but they are white instead of black.


Monsters: 17

3 EH Neos Alius

3 Garoth, the LS Warrior (or) Paladin of Cursed Dragon

3 Honest

1 Cyber Dragon

1 EH Stratos

3 Thunder King Rai-Oh

3 Beast King Barbaros


Spells: 2

1 Smashing Ground



Traps: 21

3 Skill Drain

3 Royal Oppression

3 Bottomless Trap Hole

3 Dark Bribe

3 Solemn Judgment

2 D Prison (or) Sakuretsu Armor

1 Mirror Force

1 Magic Cylinder

1 Torrential

1 Dust Tornado

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It was okay. Find something other than garoth because if LS brain controls it you are screwed.


I don't think LS should run Judgment Dragon because if someone brain controls it they're screwed.


Unless you're running a deck full of Botanical Lions and Horus, Brain control will screw you anyway.

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