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[align=center]Eisaka's next opponent walked up to him. "Hey, loser." Leon said.

"Leon.. I'm going to kick your ass!" Eisaka shouted.

"Pfft. Yea right." Leon replied.

"Round 3, start!"

Eisaka reached into his pocket and pulled out a new card. It was called, 'Soul Style: Heart Shockwave' "Heh, new card. Time to test it out. Soul Style: Heart Shockwave!" Eisaka shouted. Eisaka's body glowed white, and a large shockwave blasted at Leon. Leon got hit and went flying backwards. "Shocklaw, now!" Eisaka yelled. Eisaka teleported Shocklaw directly behind Leon and shot a large electrical blast, sending leon flying at Eisaka. Eisaka gave Leon an uppercut, sending him flying upwards. Leon eventually slammed into the ground. "I told you not to mess with me!" Eisaka yelled.

'The winner of Round 3 is.. Eisaka!"[/align]

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Shigetaka walked into the Torn Zone and entered the Tournament. He then waited for his name to be called out. He waited half an hour until the speaker blared out, "SHIGETAKA HARUKI! REPORT TO THE FIELD FOR YOUR FIRST BATTLE!". "Alright, come on Dragicer" said Shigetaka standing up. He stood at his side of the field acing another player. "ROUND ONE! BEGIN"

The other player and his wombat plazma charged at them. "Dragicer, GO! ICE BREATHE!" yelled Shigetaka as Dragicer flew past him and breathed ice on the other player. "Ok... Dragicer, go take a rest, I'll handle them now. Shigetaka teleported right in front of them and gave the player an uppercut which sent him in the air. Shigetaka began to charge up an attack. He then leaped into the air and yelled. "ULTRA BEATDOWN". He then began to do a various amount of punches while teleporting. You coudln't see him that he was so fast. After the last punch, the player fell from the sky. :I'M NOT DONE YET!" yelled Shigetaka. He then flew down to the falling player and front flip kicked him in the stomach which made him fly down to the ground faster. The impact on the ground was enormous that it kicked up an explosion of dust. "ROUND ONE GOES TO... SHIGETAKA AND DRAGICER!". "Uhhh... maybe... I overdid it?"

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Aiur Went for Her First Match, And It was Up against..... A Scrawny Looking Guy, Aiur Scowled and Wondered "Why in the Focking Hell do they let Guys like him in The Torns" At which She Just Simply Used A Card, "Taboo Style: Leviathan Slash!" at which A Large Blade of Magic Envelops Aiur's Arm, At which She slashes it at the Scrawny looking Guy, Sending him flying out of the Arena, at which the Anouncer says "The First Match Goes To....... Jain Auris and Rex"

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"Udonge. It's starting." Tewi said to Reisen.

Reisen's first match is with a witch-looking girl who can cast magic.

"Take this! Fire Lance!" the Witch shouted.

"Manipulation of soundwave and illusion!" Reisen raised her hand up and becomes invinsible and ran straight to the witch.

"Tewi!" Reisen turned back to her."Let's go! Red Long Laser!" Tewi cheerfully yelled.

The witch was knocked out in one hit of the laser.

"The winner of the match is.... Reisen and Tewi!" the MC announced.

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Username(In Game):Zenrais Starbane


Appearance: A kid in tattered clothes

Personality: Nice,Clever and smart

Age(In Game):21

Main Zone:Plazma and Chill




Type of animal: Wolf

Personality: same as my charchter

Power(E.g. water, fire, electricity..): Fire

Ability: Fighting very well


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Aiur then Said "You Do Realize That where we are is a Tournament, and At a Tournament, I'm like a Stampede..... Once I Move..." at which She takes a Stance "I NEVER HOLD BACK!!!!!!" at which Aiur Charges at Reisen, Then Jumps in the Air, Then She Slashes Downward with her hand, which in turn had a Set of Massive Magic claws at the End, Leaving a Streak of Red Behind Them and Magic Bullets Shot out at Reisen and Tewi.......

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Aiur then Said "Hmph.... I'd Like to See you Try.... You Insane Moon Rabbit" at which She Leaps up in the Air, At which She Says "Taboo Style: Leviathan Slash!" as a Large Blade of Magic Enveloped in Aiur's Hand, Then She Slashed it At Tewi While Rex.... Who could see Reisen, Starts Clawing at Her Shoulder

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Aiur then Said to Tewi "Actually, Rex can Overpower Reisen, even without me, I Know, It is like some Guy, I Heard that He received a Doll, that actually Lives, Can Lift a House with a Finger and Can Use Magic, Rex is Kinda the same way, So Git, You Insane Rabbit" at which Aiur Kicks Tewi into Reisen........

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"Ahahaha... when you shatter the sphere, Nessiah's Curse is where it really begins!" Tewi smirked while Reisen ran away from the point where the shards drop.


"Now, power of space and time, fuse together and create a catastrophe on the world.... Nessiah's Curse!"


A black hole appears above Tewi, sucking all the spectators watching them. Reisen got nearly sucked but was defending herself with a barrier. Aiur and Rex are about to get sucked...


"Tewi is a hacker?" Reisen gasped at the black hole created by her.

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Aiur Then Slashed Twice and Closed the Black Hole in a near Instant, Darsagu Flew Down and Said "You are NOT going to Get My Daughter with the Same Hack that Did ME IN.... 30 Years End! Chaos Advent: End of the Dusk!" At which 5 Massive eyes appeared above Darsagu, all Gazing at Tewi, Tewi suddenly felt so dizzy that her legs couldn't Hold her weight

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