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Aiur Facepalms and says "I am feared and known by almost every Person on here, so I have very few Friends, the only Friends i have is Eisaka and Shigetaka, and They Know that i am a Hacker, Now you were Curious about a Fight you wanted to see Right?" at which Magic Spews out of her fingers, Making a set of Claws, at which Aiur said "Hack Force!" at which she slashed the Air, Making a Portal out of the Hax Zone and Near the Fight between Eisaka and Magma, at which Aiur walked out and held the Portal open for Reisen and Tewi

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Reisen telephatically replied to Rex, " Tewi likes to do that, she knows how I feel ... sorry for her impoliteness. "

Tewi then saw Magma13 and Eisaka, and ran there to greet them cheerfully. " Tewi! Don't run away from me! It's quite dangerous if you're alone!" Reisen freaked out and chases after Tewi.

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Rex said "hmmm.... Nice, But lets try this" at which Rex snaps his Claws and a pair of Targets appear, Rex turns and Fires a Few Bullets from his Claws, They hit the Target, Then a Red energy Chain with a Diamond at the End shoots out of Rex's Claws and hits the Target, Then the Chain started Destroying itself like a Fuse until it hit the Diamond, at which it Exploded, The Force was so Great, That it had Shattered the Target, Which was made of a metal that was Nearly indestructible.

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Rex then Said "You're hungry.... Let's Get something to eat.... Aiur!" at which Aiur heard Rex and Replied "Yes?" at which Rex said "Tewi and I are Hungry..." after a while, Aiur caught a few Flies for Rex, and then asked Tewi "What do you-" at which Aiur sensed a Surge of Energy in a different Zone and said "Wait a minute, I sense a Distur-" at which she was interrupted again by Massive Dark Gashes near Aiur, at which most people were being pulled to them at which Aiur told Rex "you need to Get Tewi and Reisen out of here, Something Bad is Happening and i don't know what it is!" At which Rex Grabs Tewi and Reisen and flies away as Aiur Tries to Hack the Gashes so they will collapse on themselves, but Fails, She Grabs Eisaka and Shocklaw and Slashes a Portal and Flies in at which Rex does the same, Which took them to the Hax Zone.........

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After Reisen and the others arrived in the Hax Zone, Tewi groaned for food. "Tewi, be patient, okay?" Reisen pleaded. But that makes Tewi angrier. Reisen sighed and took out a lunchbox, one of the foods inside was Tewi's favourite food, carrot pancake. Tewi's eyes then sparkled brightly and ate them with mach speed. "Rex~ Do you want some food? You're hungry right?" Tewi asked.

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Aiur Had gotten a Trace of where the Energy was coming from, So Aiur Created a Platform made of Magic under Tewi, Reisen, Eisaka, and herself, Rex Perches on her shoulder, Then Puts a Sturdy back onto the Platform At Rex Gets in front of Reisen, Eisaka, and Tewi and Said "This is Going to be Fast.... so hold on!" at which Aiur put her hands on the Platform, and it rose in the air, The Shot off in Mach Speed, Speeding in a Random but Straight direction, then as the Platform slowed down, a castle went into view, Everyone other than Aiur felt like they were Pancaked to the Back of the Platform, and it went far too fast to get any Poisonous gas on the Platform.

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OoC : Where are the others o.O?


"I'm dizzy, Udonge..." Tewi faintly spoke. Reisen, who is immune to confusion and drowsiness, gave a Milk-Carrot juice to Tewi, and she was active again. " Mmm....... thank you, Udonge!" Tewi thanked. "Can you stop calling me Udonge for once?" Reisen pleaded, Tewi then mocks her by saying Udonge repeatedly. Reisen didn't mind that, what she minded was the castle in her sight.

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(> Eisaka is with us and That is pretty much i know of <)


The Platform slowed to a Stop, and Landed then Disappeared, Then Aiur Stared at the castle.... and had a Flashback.... of a forgotten memory....


(Flashback Start] An Unknown Figure simply sat at her Throne, Petting a Strange looking Plazmas, It was a Dragon.... and it was roughly the Same size as the figure, and had 2 pairs of Wings, Strangely, the Plazmas liked to be petted as the Plazmas said "Mother..... Please..... Stroke me", she looked at the Plazmas as the Unknown figure was Stroking the Dragon on the Back, it was Scarlet, with a Pair of Black wings on front, and a Second Pair of Wings near the rear, and what shocked her was the Second pair of wings.... It was Exactly the Same as hers [Flashback End)


Aiur was So shocked by the memory that she almost passed out, but all of a sudden Aiur heard a Voice that said and repeated "Come.... Aiur.....Come to me......Aiur.....Come to your Mother" at which Aiur was entranced by the voice and started to walk towards the castle......

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Reisen sensed danger, hackers fooling Aiur to come to the castle. Reisen decided to enter the castle first, and what she saw was shocking. With her enhanced vision and hearing, she spotted a group of people, they tried to fool Aiur with their sound manipulation. Reisen uses her eyes to make them lunatic and it succeeded. The sound was gone.

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Aiur Snapped out of It, as she saw the Throne Room, Then she looked up and saw the Very same Mysterious Figure in the Flashback, It was a Girl that Wore a Black and White Dress and had 2 Wings, One pair were White Almost Fairy-like wings, except instead of being Organic, They were Made out of Some kind of Magic, While the other were Jet-Black, Massive, Demon Wings, She had White Hair, She was Asleep and Chained up in a lot of Places, when another Forgotten Flashback had hit Aiur, and it was also Visible to Reisen


(Flashback Start] The unknown Figure had strapped The Dragon onto a Table Very similar to one of those Metal Tables that are used to Torture people, but it was actually comfortable to the Dragon.... The Figure Started Chanting when a Massive Gash appeared out of Nowhere, at which she started to Chant Faster, Then when it started to Suck in Various things in the Throne room, the figure Shot a bolt of Lightning at the Dragon, at which it started to turn into something.... Someone Familiar, The Dragon had Turned into what Aiur is Now.... the Figure was Crying as She was Sucked into the Gash, Aiur Broke free and Tried to Fly away, but was getting pulled into the gash as well, but strangely enough, The Gash Disappeared just before Aiur got Sucked in, Who was Crying[Flashback End)


Aiur was Crying to hell as she saw the Girl and said "Mother?.... Is that you?"

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