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Adam stepped out. His ship wasd late and he still had a headache! Anorith had suffered too, so the first thing he did was head to the PC and lie down, while Anorith was healed. He smiled, he was in pain, but Anorith was fine. Anorith.... his only Pokemon. Team Galactic had taken his others a long time ago.... Anorith jumped at him. He was fully healed. He left, and looked for another trainer...

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Adam sighed, he had walked for ages, and civilisation was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, something fell on his head. It was a Wurmple! The Wurmple, blaming Anorith, who was holding on to Adam's back, attacked with a quick Tackle, shoving himself into Anorith. (-5HP) Anorith, now angry, quickly fought back with a powerful Metal Claw, his claws perfect silver as he swiped Wurmple, and jumped back. (-10 HP)


Lvl 5 Anorith HP: 35 / 40 (In battle, I list a version of this for all my PokeMon!)


Lvl 3 Wurmple HP: 20 / 30

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Train took out cyndiqual! "Cyndiqaul use Ember on Scyther!" Train told him. A small fire went at Scyther and hit him.(-25 HP). Cyndiqual is Hp of 40 and Scyther is 50 and is now 25. Scyther jumped up and attacked cyndiqaul(-15) Cyndiqual:25 Hp and Scyther: 25 Hp. Cyndiqual then tackled Scyther and Scyther lost 13 Hp. Train took out a pokeball and threw it. The scyther was caught!

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Train laughed at what Havic was saying and they finally arrived at a restaurant. Train entered the resturant and sat down. He looked at the menu and bought the cheapset things there for him and his pokemon. He took out both cyndiqual and scyther. Both of his pokemon sat down. Syther next to Train and Cyndiqual on Train's head. Train then got ready to eat

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Train laughed at what Havic was saying and they finally arrived at a restaurant. Train entered the restaurant and sat down. He looked at the menu and bought the cheapset things there for him and his pokemon. He took out both cyndiqual and scyther. Both of his pokemon sat down. Syther next to Train and Cyndiqual on Train's head. Train then got ready to eat


Havic crawls into the restaurant using all his strength He gets a seat next to Train.Absol comes behind Havic and hopes into his own chair.


Havic*'whew' I made it.

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Zeke released Munchlax. "What do you guys whant to do?" The Munchlax started to ru, and Zeke and Happiny followed. The maid it to.............a hotdog stand!" The orederd and ate. Then Munchlax fell asleap. "Awsome." Zeke put him back to his pokeball. "Come on Happiny, lets go have some fun!

OoC: Happiny cant fight because Zeke is overproctetive of her. She will fight though.

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Train then went up to the trainer."Hi, I am Train! Want to have a pokemon battle?" The trainer turned around and responded "I am Sven and I will glaly battle and beat you!" Train expalined the battle and said it would be two on two. Train chose first"Go! Scyther!" Scyther bursted out of the pokeball. Sven grinned and he through his pokeball. A starly came out if the pokeball. The battle was about to start!

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Train looked at Havic with a intimidating smirk."I know that you put th ebill on my tab!But there is no time for that i have a battle! Scyther use Focus Cut on Starly!"(Focus Cut is like focus punch, but cut!)

Train's Pokemon

Scyther: Hp: 70

Cyndiqual: Hp: 55


Sven's Pokemon

Starly: Hp 45

???: Hp: ???


Sven grinned"Starly dodge and use wing attack." Starly dodged the focus cut and went in for the attack. The attack hit making scyther lose 30 hp.

"Scyther get up! Go use Quick attack!" Scyther was fast and hit Starly hard. It was a critical hit!(-20)

Scyther Hp: 40

Starly: Hp 25

Sven got frustrated."Starly go use wing attack again!" Scyther memorized the attack and it quickly dodge it."Scyther focus cut!" Scyther's hand glowed and struck Starly!(-25)

Starly lost and Sven chose his second pokemon! "Go! Charmeleon!" A big charmeleon came out and this looked bad for Scyther!!!

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The Wurmple hit with a Powerful Poison sting, badly poisoning Anorith. (-10HP) "Anorith! Use Fossil Fuels!" Anorith set himself on fire and charged at Wurmple. (-10HP both Pokemon). Anorith suffers from Poison. (-5HP). "Go, Pecha Berry! Go, Poke Ball!" Adam called, Anorith caught and ate the Pecha Berry. Then there was a light and a Poke Ball on the floor. Wurmple was caught! Adam picked up the Poke Ball and let Wurmple out. Then, to gain Wurmple's trust, fed both PokeMon a Oran Berry. All three of them walked on, suddenly Wurmple ran ahead. He had seen a city! Adam read the sign. It said Deox City. They all walked on, and reached a Cafe. They all sat down, just as a trainer and his Happiny and Munchlax left a hotdog stand across the road. "Hey, I'm Adam, and these are Anorith and Wurmple. Who are you?" Adam called cheerfully.

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When everybody was having fun, I was in the near mountains, training with my Ralts and my recently catched Cubone. It was getting late and I had to find the others to go to the Pokecenter to sleep. I was going down the mountain when a Hiker stoped me.


"I won't let you go down until we battle!!!" he said


"Ok, 1 vs 1 Pokemon, ready? Go, Ralts!"


"Go, Onix!"


Ralts looked like an ant in comparison to Onix.


Ralts: 50 HP

Onix: 120 HP


"Ralts, Psychic Ball!"


A white sphere of light appeared in Ralts hands.


"Ralts, Attack!"


Ralts released the sphere in direction to Onix.


"Onix, Dark Ring!"


A darkness ring surrounded Onix, protecting him from Ralts's attack.


"Now Onix, use Rock Piercer!"


Onix's tail became a big, harpoon-like shini rock. Then, Onix lunged towards Ralts.


"Ralts, dodge!"


Ralts didn't got hit by the attack, but she crashed into a rock in her attempt to escape.


Ralts: 45 HP

Onix: 120 HP

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"Ralts, use Grudge!"


Ralts started to have a red glow, and then she shooted a red beam fastly to Onix.


Ralts: 45 HP

Onix: 110 HP


"What happened?" shouted the Hiker


"It's easy, Grudge inflicts twice the last damage that Ralts received...now Ralts, use Peace Song!"


Ralts started singing and healed herself fully.


Ralts: 50 HP

Onix: 110 HP


"Now, let's do it, Ralts: PSYCHIC ENERGY BEAM!!!!!"


Ralts focused all of her strength in her horn, and she shooted a giant, rainbow-like, beam at Onix.


"Onix, Dig Now!"


Onix wasn't fast enought and he got it by the beam, wich throwed him at some rocks. After the attack, Ralts had lost all of her strenghts...


Ralts: 1 HP

Onix: 30 HP


"How come your Ralts didn't fainted?"


"She is holding a Focus Band, when she is about to faint, her HP decreases to 1...Ralts, are you ok?"


Ralts was obviously tired, but she wanted to win and she standed firmly.


"That's the spirit Ralts, now use Grudge again!"


Ralts did a Grudge attack again, fainting Onix, but she fainted just after Onix. Anyways, she won.





"Good job, Ralts! Go back to your Pokeball...now, let me go Hiker..."


The Hiker was amazed at my victory...


After 30 minutes, I was at the city, looking for my friends...

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