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X-Men Origins: Wolverine


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It's funny how:


1) The DS version is rated E10+, the Wii, PS2, and PSP versions are rated T, and the PS3, PC, & 360 are rated M. :D

2) The 360, PC, and PS3 version are M, but the movie is PG13.

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It's funny how:


1) The DS version is rated E10+' date=' the Wii, PS2, and PSP versions are rated T, and the PS3, PC, & 360 are rated M. :D

2) The 360, PC, and PS3 version are M, but the movie is PG13.



That's because those systems can handle the graphics for blood and gore games and/or the company who makes it for the other systems are accually kid based systems with games kids can play.

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It's funny how:


1) The DS version is rated E10+' date=' the Wii, PS2, and PSP versions are rated T, and the PS3, PC, & 360 are rated M. :D

2) The 360, PC, and PS3 version are M, but the movie is PG13.



That's because those systems can handle the graphics for blood and gore games and/or the company who makes it for the other systems are accually kid based systems with games kids can play.





Don't even get me started on the PSP and PS2.

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It's funny how:


1) The DS version is rated E10+' date=' the Wii, PS2, and PSP versions are rated T, and the PS3, PC, & 360 are rated M. :D

2) The 360, PC, and PS3 version are M, but the movie is PG13.



That's because those systems can handle the graphics for blood and gore games and/or the company who makes it for the other systems are accually kid based systems with games kids can play.





Don't even get me started on the PSP and PS2.




Couple of game doesn't change the fact that every other game is for kids.

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It's funny how:


1) The DS version is rated E10+' date=' the Wii, PS2, and PSP versions are rated T, and the PS3, PC, & 360 are rated M. :D

2) The 360, PC, and PS3 version are M, but the movie is PG13.



That's because those systems can handle the graphics for blood and gore games and/or the company who makes it for the other systems are accually kid based systems with games kids can play.





Don't even get me started on the PSP and PS2.




Couple of game doesn't change the fact that every other game is for kids.


You're missing the point. He said that X-Men was probably not rated M on the Wii or DS simply because the Wii and DS are known as a kiddy system.

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