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Just some ideas :)


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Just some ideas for a story. Please comment...and enjoy! :)


[spoiler=Monsters Cards]

[spoiler=Level 4 and below]

[spoiler=Normal Monsters]

Metal Miltia

EARTH Level 2 [Machine / Normal]

An army made of scrap metal. They fight until they are the only ones left standing.

ATK 1000 DEF 600


[spoiler=Effect Monsters]

Rouge Doll

DARK Level 3 [Zombie / Effect]

Effect: This monster can only be summoned by the effects of "Autopsy Room." When this monster is summoned, switch control of this card to your opponent. The controller of this card loses 800 life points during each of their standby phases.

ATK 1800 DEF 0



DARK Level 1 [Zombie / Effect]

Effect: This monster can only be summoned by the effects of "Autopsy Room." When this card is Special Summoned, select 1 monster your opponent controls. This card's ATK and DEF become equal to the selected monster's original ATK and DEF.



Kamikaze Warrior

WIND Level 4 [Warrior / Effect]

Effect: Tribute this monster to destroy one monster on the field.

ATK 1500 DEF 1500


Replicating Slime Warrior

WATER Level 2 [Aqua / Effect]

Effect: If this monster in attack postion is destroyed, you may special summon 3 "Slimey Tokens" to your side of the field in face-up defense positon.

ATK 1000 DEF 1000

(Slimey Token: Water Level 1 [Aqua / Normal] ATK 100 DEF 1000)


Shadow Soldier

DARK Level 4 [Warrior / Effect]

Effect: Once per turn, you may pay 500 life points to put one spell counter on this card (Max 3). Remove 3 spell counters from this card to destroy one face up monster with less than 3000 attack on the field. When this monster is destroyed, remove it from play instead of sending it to the graveyard.

ATK 1500 DEF 1800



[spoiler=Level 5 or 6 Monsters]

[spoiler=Effect Monsters]

Jack the Ripper

DARK Level 5 [Fiend / Effect]

Effect: Send a monster destroyed by this card to your respective graveyard instead of your opponent's.

ATK 2000 DEF 1600



[spoiler=Level 7+ Monsters]

[spoiler=Effect Monsters]

Frankenstein's Monster

EARTH Level 8 [Zombie / Effect]

Effect: This monster cannot be Special Summoned. You must sacrifice 3 monsters to Normal Summon or Set this card. During your Main Phase 1, you may tribute one Machine monster on your side of the field to increase the attack of this card by 1000 until the Endphase of this turn. If a card effect would cause you to lose this duel, you may tribute this card to negate the card effect and decrease your life points until you only have 1 life point remaining.

ATK 3000 DEF 3200


Vampire King

DARK Level 7 [Fiend / Effect]

Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This monster can only be Special Summoned by removing 2 monsters in your graveyard from play. When this monster attacks a monster with an attack that is higher than the attack of this monster, pay 500 life points to double the attack of this monster. At the End Phase of each of your turns, send one monster on your side of the field to the graveyard. If you do not, this monster is destroyed.

ATK 2800 DEF 2500




[spoiler=Spell Cards]

[spoiler=Normal Spells]

Living Amongst the Dead

Effect: If the card on the top of your graveyard is a monster, pay life points equal to half of the monsters attack and special summon it to your side of the field in face-up attack position.


Swarming Shadows

Effect: Special summon one "Shadow Token" to your side of the field in face-up defense position.

(Shadow Token: Dark Level 1 [Fiend] ATK 100 DEF 500)



Effect: Destroy all monsters on your side of the field besides "Vampire King." Increase 1 "Vampire King's" attack by 800x the number of monsters destroyed until the end phase of the turn this card was activated.


[spoiler=Continuous Spells]

Darkness Doth Fall

Effect: If your opponent controls more monsters than you. Increase the attack of all DARK monsters on your side of the field by 400x the number of monsters your opponent controls.


Strength Amonst Shadows

Effect: If "Shadow Soldier" is attacked, you may double the "Shadow Soldier's" original attack until the end of the Battle Phase.


[spoiler=Equip Spells]

Ripped Flesh

Effect: This card can only be equipped to "Vampire King." As long as this card is equppied to "Vampire King" you do not have to send a monster to the graveyard to keep "Vampire King" on the field.


[spoiler=Quickplay Spells]

The Calvary Has Arrived!

Effect: When "Metal Militia" is sent to the graveyard as a result of battle, special summon 3 "Militia Tokens" to your side of the field in face-up attack position.

(Militia Token: EARTH Level 2 [Machine / Normal] ATK 1000 DEF 600)


[spoiler=Field Spells]

Autopsy Room

Effect: When a "Jack the Ripper" destroys a monster, you may special summon one monster with "Doll" in its name to the field in face-up in attack position.



[spoiler=Trap Cards]

[spoiler=Normal Traps]

Dark Alley Thief

Effect: Select one Spell or Trap card on your opponent's side of the field. Switch control of the selected card. If the selected card is face-down, flip it face-up, then switch control of the card.


Credits go to Heroes

Effect: When you destroy a monster, you may increase the attack of another monster on your side of the field equal to the attack of the destroyed monster until the end of the Battle Phase.


White Rabbit

Effect: Pay 1000 life points to negate the attack of one of your opponent's monsters and destroy it.


[spoiler=Continuous Traps]

Magic Hat Trick

Effect: Once during your opponent's battle phase, if you have no monsters on your side of the field, you may choose one monster in your graveyard. Pay life points equal to half of that monster's attack to special summon it to the field in attack position. The monster is destroyed at the end phase of the turn it was special summoned.


[spoiler=Counter Traps]

Bloody Mirror

Effect: Pay 1500 life points, negate the effects of a trap card activated by your opponent and activate the effect for yourself




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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, card text clarifications:

Ragdoll - it looks like it can use its effect as often as it likes, and because of the way its worded, you can use it during your opponent's turn :s


Kamikaze Warrior - "Tribute this monster to destroy 1 monster on the field." is all you need for the effect.


Replicating Slime Warrior - Broken. A lot. This lets you get an instant plasma, wicked god, or any tribute monster, and they stay around for later if your opponent doesn't get rid of them. Consider changing things around a little for some balance. Here's an example, maybe a little too extreme though;

"If this attack position monster is destroyed during your opponent's turn, you may Special Summon five "Slimey Tokens" to your side of the field in defense positon." You have to put it in attack, showing your opponent what will happen and taking damage, and you have to have no other monsters. Just how I'd personally fix it, since it is pretty broken.


Shadow Soldier - I'm not sure if it was intended, but you can use this any number of times a turn. The effect is pretty much 'pay 1500 lifepoints to destroy a monster' except it works with other spell counter cards. Just checking if I read it right.


Jack the Ripper - You forgot the atk/def


Hara Kiri - "Mission Failed!" Isn't in here, unless it's a real card I don't know about.


Swarming Shadows - (You forgot the atk/def) again, too powerful. Tokens can be extrmely good things, cards like this make it all too easy to get monsters out which are supposed to be difficult. Try making it so you can't normal summon the turn you use it, at least gives the opponent some time to respond.


Darkness Doth Fall - You might want to fix the first sentance to, "If your opponent control's more monsters than you." or something, not sure on the right OCG but the sentance doesn't look right at the moment.


Ripped Flesh - Since technically, you don't tribute anything for him anyway, you send to the Graveyard, the two effects don't agree, look into that.


The Calvary Has Arrived! - GAH! more hax token spam, don't do that to me x_x Well, this one isn't so bad, since you need to run Metal Malitia and draw both but it's still a pretty powerful card which might get abused.


Autopsy Room - you don't need to include "face-up" in there. Jack can't destroy anything when he's face-down and when something is special summoned, face-up is assumed anyway. Also; you forgot to include where you summon them from, Deck? Hand?


Other than that the OCG isn't perfect, but it's understandable. Nice cards, I like to see some creativity like this ^.^ I'll be back to rate later, after you've checked this post, I don't want to rate you down for some misunderstanding.

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Ok' date=' card text clarifications:

Ragdoll - it looks like it can use its effect as often as it likes, and because of the way its worded, you can use it during your opponent's turn :s


Kamikaze Warrior - "Tribute this monster to destroy 1 monster on the field." is all you need for the effect.


Replicating Slime Warrior - Broken. A lot. This lets you get an instant plasma, wicked god, or any tribute monster, and they stay around for later if your opponent doesn't get rid of them. Consider changing things around a little for some balance. Here's an example, maybe a little too extreme though;

"If this attack position monster is destroyed during your opponent's turn, you may Special Summon five "Slimey Tokens" to your side of the field in defense positon." You have to put it in attack, showing your opponent what will happen and taking damage, and you have to have no other monsters. Just how I'd personally fix it, since it is pretty broken.


Shadow Soldier - I'm not sure if it was intended, but you can use this any number of times a turn. The effect is pretty much 'pay 1500 lifepoints to destroy a monster' except it works with other spell counter cards. Just checking if I read it right.


Jack the Ripper - You forgot the atk/def


Hara Kiri - "Mission Failed!" Isn't in here, unless it's a real card I don't know about.


Swarming Shadows - (You forgot the atk/def) again, too powerful. Tokens can be extrmely good things, cards like this make it all too easy to get monsters out which are supposed to be difficult. Try making it so you can't normal summon the turn you use it, at least gives the opponent some time to respond.


Darkness Doth Fall - You might want to fix the first sentance to, "If your opponent control's more monsters than you." or something, not sure on the right OCG but the sentance doesn't look right at the moment.


Ripped Flesh - Since technically, you don't tribute anything for him anyway, you send to the Graveyard, the two effects don't agree, look into that.


The Calvary Has Arrived! - GAH! more hax token spam, don't do that to me x_x Well, this one isn't so bad, since you need to run Metal Malitia and draw both but it's still a pretty powerful card which might get abused.


Autopsy Room - you don't need to include "face-up" in there. Jack can't destroy anything when he's face-down and when something is special summoned, face-up is assumed anyway. Also; you forgot to include where you summon them from, Deck? Hand?


Other than that the OCG isn't perfect, but it's understandable. Nice cards, I like to see some creativity like this ^.^ I'll be back to rate later, after you've checked this post, I don't want to rate you down for some misunderstanding.



I updated all of them and posted a few others...perhaps you'd like to take another look at them?


I appreciate the criticism by the way :)

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