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Kingdom Hearts Role Play |Ended!| |Lock!|

Chaotic Angel

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Train looked at Telexia and respected his words. Train went to Telexia and gave him a gift. The gift was two paopu fruit. "This is for you and your friends. I gained them from a special area i found, but know there are none there. I have given you two and i still have three. I will split one of mine in half and give it to you. If you want to eat it then we will see each other again.Bye for now.I know you will make the right choice..........." Train saw a portal and went through it looking at Telexia and with a grin on his face. Train took out his half and ate it.

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"Mmmm! Thanks Texy!" Yuffie giggled and spun her chair around to continue what she was doing on the computer, "So, did you meet up with Train?" Tifa asked. "Yeah, why did you send him?" Telexia asked snottily, "Because, Telexia, he needed your help." Tifa shot back. "Whatever, I'm going off of Radiant Garden... Teliae..." Telexia looked into his hand, and clutched the chain of a Keyblade, not any of his own, but that of Hitai's old Keyblade. The chain's symbol was the Heartless insignia with a Kingdom Key through it.

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Still staring, he was amazed at the devastation. He shown his sword. All of a sudden, a flaming ship came crashing down. "What?" With speed, he was able to change the location of the crash. The scratches weren't major. "Thank you..." The pilot went limp. It seems that he couldn't take the impact of the crash. Taking him out, he went into the cockpit. Starting the engine, he left the abandoned station. "Huh...nice ship."

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Still riding, he saw a tower. He saw two fighting, one person with a black cloak and white hair with lasers coming out of his hand, while the other looked wounded. "Xemnas." Seeing a good spot, he landed the ship. Something strange was going on. He was glowing a red color. "My revenge." Taking his sword, he jumped up to the tip of the tower. "You're mine!" He rushed and slashed at his head.

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Train looked away from Telexia and left with a grin. He entered the portal and he saw a world that looked normal. Train looked around and there was a school, homes, hosipitals, and everything in a normal town!

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After fifteen minutes, everything unfroze and Ron threw Xemnas out, after that, he chased after him. He said: "Right, Xemnas, you're done for, I tell you!" and then got stabbed, luckily he was unaffected and pushed Xemnas in the air with his Dark Lightning.

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God, I waited too long. When he caught Xemnas flying, he found the now disabled Xemnas an opening. Rushing, he jumped up. After 10 seconds, the smoke caught up with the run. "OVERDRIVE - 18 Spiral Strikes!" He started to spin in a rapid motion. Wind was seen spinning around him. "1!" It hit Xemnas once. He coughed. "2!" Repeating the same thing. The exactly same thing happened, but on the 18th strike, he finally spat out blood. Nobodies have...blood? Then he realized that it was white. He then went to his back, then stabbed him. The white blood appeared again.

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