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LOCK Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Arrival of the Orichalcos p 2 ENDED


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Felicity gave a scream. "Master! NO!"

Aster was sent backwards, right onto the edge of his rocky island. the seal created a second version and it encircled Aster, taking his soul.


Wierdly, the duel disks refused to deactivate, and the Seal didn't vanish.

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"Finally he dies. I wanted this for a long time. now i get the power of him. Unless little miss Felicity wants it. i dont mine." desperado smiled

Desperado jumped down and stared at him "He would've wanted to go out while his leviathan is fed by his own soul." Desperado laughed loudly.

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"Master Aster has lost. But the Seal wishes to gain more souls..." Felicity placed her hand on her duel disk as the seal then encircled her. "I surrender! So the seal will now take me - and you all will need to be taken now...Ah!" she collapsed, and the seal became itself again.


Richard's eyes widened in horror. he seemed to aquire an aura so powerful, being near him burned you.


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"I DRAW! I NOW SET THIS CARD AND END! Zarkus! Summon your ultimate monster - get it to its most powerful. If the seal has gained 3 souls already---"






Richard looked up, the smoke had cleared, then, to his horror, he looked around and saw tablet after tablet of duel spirits and people; two new ones were glowing, then faded to reveal Felicity and Azure. Aster, however, was nowhere to be seen.

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"I draw twice!"

Zarkus looked up at the sky.

"...Richard. I activate the Spell card Angel of Charity, allowing us to discard any amount of cards and draw until we're holding 6. Now I activate Spellbound Tuning, allowing me to Special Summon Plaguespreader Zombie. I then summon Dark Soul from my hand... Synchro Summon!"

Dark End Dragon, Plaguespreader, and Dark Soul all turned into a mist. The mist converged and formed into a dragon.

"From the inner darkness of the universe an almighty power will be awakened. The flames of hell will burn all creation to nothing but ash! Synchro Summon, my most powerful monster! Dimension Breaker Dragon - Envoy of Ruin!!!!"



1 DARK Synchro monster + 1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, send all other cards on the field and in both player's hands to the Graveyard. Your opponent takes 300 damage for every card sent to the Graveyard by this effect. Negate any effects that would prevent them from being removed from the field. The summoning and effect of this card cannot be chained to.



"Now, Dimension Breaker Dragon! Activate your special ability! Rend the heavens, and sunder the Earth! Wipe out this impure darkness from the face of existance! End of Creation, Ultimate Chaos Flame!!!!"

The dragon exerted incredible flames outward. The Seal of the Dark Oracle Started cracking, and it was completely destroyed. Same with the Orichalcos.

OOC: The total damage should be... 6000 to Richard. Then I can attack.

[spoiler=cards used]


Pay half of your Life Points. Reveal 1 Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck. Special Summon 1 Synchro Material Monster listed on that card from your Deck or Extra Deck, ignoring the summoning conditions. The effect of the summoned card is negated. (This is treated as a Synchro Summon). The effect and activation of this card cannot be negated.


Both players can discard any amount of cards from their hands. Afterward, both players draw cards from their deck until they hold 6 cards. If the effect of this card is negated, draw 3 cards from your deck.



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