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LOCK Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Arrival of the Orichalcos p 2 ENDED


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Felicity woke up. she was in the volcano, and someone was tending the wound that the Mystical beast had left.


Stay still...we heal in numbers, and we all need concentration. said three identical angels, the Numerous Healers. Felicity was healed and got up.

"Ah, you're awake. I was worried that my friend here would have hurt you too seriously." the guy from the volcano walked towards Felicity. "Now, let me show you the true path to your destiny...because, as I have once said, you can't hide from destiny!"

"No...You're...you're...AAAAAAAAARGH!" Felicity's scream was loud enough to be heard from all over the island.


Richard began running faster.

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When Richard reached the top of the volcano, he saw all kinds of wierd things; spirits trying to escape the fumes, but getting sucked back in, and worst of all, the outline of a giant fish-like thing trying to appear.


Just as Richard began descending the Volcano, a masked and cloaked figure appeared in front of him. They spoke through a voice changer.


"Richard Yuki. I am ready to duel you once more. And you, Azure. I will wait for you with my master at the heart of this volcano. until then, " the person jumped backward and vanished into the smoke.

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