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LOCK Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Arrival of the Orichalcos p 2 ENDED


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Desperado stood in the master's chamber bowing his head at him. "Master you called me in for something."


Master: "You have surved me well Desperado and i am rewarding you with a new deck. It will go over your Archfiend deck. Here." The master handed Desperado a deck of evil cards.


"Thank you master." Desperado was dismissed and walked out of the room. He looked at his new deck. "Forbidden Immortal. Very nice indeed."

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OOC: :lol::lol::lol::lol: Lol' date=' I just read through those last 2 pages. New kid, ~Emo~ cheat, godmod and have OP'ed cards, and Armaggeddon Man just has OP'ed cards... :? Kinda screws up the RP...


OOC: Hey, my cards arent that bad >_> Just find a way to stop me from summoning things I can use to pay the costs. Anyway, Im still in bed. Asleep. Completely unaware that my dark half seperated from me.

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OOC: :lol::lol::lol::lol: Lol' date=' I just read through those last 2 pages. New kid, ~Emo~ cheat, godmod and have OP'ed cards, and Armaggeddon Man just has OP'ed cards... :? Kinda screws up the RP...


OOC: Hey, my cards arent that bad >_> Just find a way to stop me from summoning things I can use to pay the costs. Anyway, Im still in bed. Asleep. Completely unaware that my dark half seperated from me.



OOC: Not bad, just OP'ed.


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Felicity smiled.


ooc: no sign of Grim yet, so I guess I'm still in control of him...


Grim stepped up and began the lesson...



~a couple of hours later~ "...And so, You will now be sent to the duel arena to join professor Zarkus for your Practical dueling lesson."


Richard and Felicity got up and made their way.


"What, bro?"

"Did something happen to your Deck earlier?"


They both looked through their Decks.

"Plants..." Said Felicity (ooc: based on my new Deck)

"Kuribohs..." muttered Richard.


They entered the duelling arena.

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"We're not. Just a bit..."

"Synchronised in thoughts."

Felicity noticed Azure blush, and blushed herself.

"However..." Felicity began.

"Our decks..."

"underwent changes..."

"And we have a mission, like we told you." Richard finished.

ooc: oh. OK, NZ.

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"Well, we will let you know next time we duel..." Richard started.

"And the mission..."

"To save the spirit world by defeating the main user of the Orichalcos, and its plans..."

"To revive the Great beast my brother was told about..."

"...to be crushed."

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