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LOCK Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Arrival of the Orichalcos p 2 ENDED


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ooc: the monsters weakness is its effect; 1) each end phase, I must either cough up 1000 LP or the top 7 of my Deck. 2) It is not DESTROYED by card effects. (but if you have an escape plan, just lose)

Richard came out of shock.

"WATCH OUT! If my darkness is using Sasukii cards..."

Felicity acted wierd by continuing his sentence

"...Then you are in more danger than ever. heh..."

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OoC: I'll go with the flow and see what happens


Guys, a chain deck would kinda come in handy right now.


What do you mean?


That card ... either 1000 LP or 7 cards ... WAIT! That's it! I need to burn Richard! I think ... yes ... with the right cards ... Jade shut her eyes, hoped for the best, and drew. She cheered - mentally. She threw down an All-Star Draw.




She pointed at the Knight, then drew twelve. She looked down at her hand and saw it was all there ... exactly what she needed ...


She played her remaining two Emergency Teleports, bringing two Mind Protectors to the field. She played a Destructotron, and sacrificed all three for one of her odd-one-outs-but-still-useable cards, Destiny Hero - Plasma. Knowing that now Plasma would negate the Knight's effects, Jade played Monster Reborn on Hyper Psychic Blaster. She threw down three cards and ended.

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Jade drew. She revealed another face down, Windstorm of Etaqua, immediately changing FM to attack and the knight to defence. She watched as Plasma equipped the knight onto himself, giving him a boost of 1750 points, making him now have 3650 ATK.




YES MA'AM! At once he fired at Flame Manipulator, dealing serious damage to Dark Richard.


All yours Plasma! Go and get him! Plasma nodded and attacked Dark Richard directly.


Jade - 4700

Dark Richard - 1900


Jade threw down another card and ended her turn.

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NOOOOOOOOOooooo! Called out D.R as his Fiber Jar was removed from play. He felt the full force of the attack, but did not even blink. How...could you...beat me? My plan was perfect... His firey red eyes glinted as the seal of Orichalcos began its encircling, but dark Richard then began connecting to Richard again, who was in the seal because dark and regular richard are, in a way, the same person. HA! If the seal takes me, it will have to take Richard first! The seal then was only around Richard.

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"No... nonono. Screw this. Richard, I dont care what happens to me! Im NOT letting you be taken by the Orichalcos again!"

Zarkus's arm started glowing a reddish color.


He lept forward and punched the Seal with all his might. His arm started cracking, but so did the Seal.

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ooc: WEeeellll...you could be already in your dorm room, and a new evil - the "guy in the volcano" - is trying to revive the GL (you might know wat GL stands for), by collecting souls, just like in the Orichalcos arc of YGO. Oh, and now Crowler is no longer chancellor - its now Bakura (thnx to freddo...against our original plans). Also, Felicity seems to be changing her deck and has developed a crush on Azure.

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In the volcano, the figure could tell what was happening. He placed a different seal over the seal of Orichalcos by the Richard stone.


The seal around Richard then healed, and it became ORICHALCOS DEUTEROS. Richard was looking around, scared.

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