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my verson of exodia and the god cards

gabriel jr

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Exodia: The Exdia one is not fair. I mean, haven't you seen all of the Exodia effect pieces? all of them say that if you play one of the exodia pieces, if possible if you got another piece from your hand to the field. And then it might be alittle easy for the user.


Obelisk The Tormentor: If it's summoned to the field, no one can destroy it because it's invulnerable to everything and it cannot be destroyed. So, how do you win? Expecially with another 2 sacrafices to cause all of my monster cards to the graveyard and get 4000 direct damage. If done again, I could loose in less than 2 turns.

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The Gods have balance? Aside from three tributes and very selective using' date=' there are NO DRAWBACKS.



The usable ones, Uria, and all them do. Uria relies on having traps in the graveyard, nothing a few Soul Release or something of the like can't fix for an example.

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