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Code Geass Fan Club

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Code Geass my personal favorite tv show off all time must have a fan club.I dont think Im the only one here who likes the show so if you like it why not join then some of us will have something to talk about.



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[spoiler=My App]

User Name:ntsnts33

Favorite Episode:Code Geass R2 Episode 25

Favorite Character:Kallen

Why Do You Like The Show:Its the perfect blen of romance,action,seriousness,and damn strait awesomeness!





-~ Chidori


-The Omega







If you post fan art you will be rewarded IDK how but i will figure it out.

[spoiler=Fan Art]

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I'm going to assume that I'm not repeating myself but heres the reasons behind why Lelouch might still be alive allowing them a SEason 3 or not.


We didn't see the wagon drivers face. AT first CC is talking to the sky with the dreamy music but then it stops suddenly as CC says "Right Lelouch?" why the dramatic stop in the music? AND the FINAL CLUE is the Origami Swan (or whatever bird it is) made by Lelouch's Sister Nunnuly (excuse my spelling =) ).THE ONLY REASON for this Paper bird to be on that wagon is because Lelouch took it with him as a memory of the sister he cannot and will not ever see again (unless theres a season 3).


CC has never been sentimental though she did become more human by the end. ALso, she was on a boat the last time we saw her so she could not have gotten it, unless she had been on the Damocles (excuse my spelling).


Lastly that scene in which CC is in a Church is clearly a connection the writer wanted the audience to get as the place where CC was given the power to be immortal MEANING that this I'm 90% sure is another clue that Lelouch had received the Blessing and CUrse of Immortality probably from his father when he reached out to lelouch with his hand with the code on it, since its not the code from CC that gave him his Geass he still has Geass too, and might be the reason why CC is smiling shes no longer alone because as hard as it is hard for me to say this, she became very attached and interested in Lelouch and wants to "stick around with him" for aawhile at least maybe even more than that.

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Reasons there can or cannot be a season 3


We didn't see the wagon drivers face. AT first CC is talking to the sky with the dreamy music but then it stops suddenly as CC says "Right Lelouch?" why the dramatic stop in the music? AND the FINAL CLUE is the Origami Swan (or whatever bird it is) made by Lelouch's Sister Nunnuly (excuse my spelling =) ).THE ONLY REASON for this Paper bird to be on that wagon is because Lelouch took it with him as a memory of the sister he cannot and will not ever see again (unless theres a season 3).


CC has never been sentimental though she did become more human by the end. ALso, she was on a boat the last time we saw her so she could not have gotten it, unless she had been on the Damocles (excuse my spelling).


Lastly that scene in which CC is in a Church is clearly a connection the writer wanted the audience to get as the place where CC was given the power to be immortal MEANING that this I'm 90% sure is another clue that Lelouch had received the Blessing and CUrse of Immortality probably from his father when he reached out to lelouch with his hand with the code on it, since its not the code from CC that gave him his Geass he still has Geass too, and might be the reason why CC is smiling shes no longer alone because as hard as it is hard for me to say this, she became very attached and interested in Lelouch and wants to "stick around with him" for aawhile at least maybe even more than that.

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