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what theme of deck you hate most

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The K. Miyrus (A very unstable deck which if it beats you can almost scream: LUCKSACK!)

Gladiator Beasts (Noob Deck. "HEY I CAN TOP 8 IN REGIONALS W/O Test Tiger!")

Traditional Water (In a bitter-sweet way, since I also use it)

Cloudians (Do I need to explain?)


Lightsworn for me aren't too bad, then again I have a sideboard devoted to nuking many things in the current meta (Zombies, Crystal Beasts, Tele-Dad, Lightsworn, ETC)

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Lightsworn for me aren't too bad' date=' then again I have a sideboard devoted to nuking many things in the current meta (Zombies, Crystal Beasts, Tele-Dad, Lightsworn, ETC)



TeleDAD is TeleDEAD this Meta. And Zombies got weakened. And since when were Crystal Beasts Meta?


My Theory: If a regional qualifier tournament is roughly 700 people competing (never attended a RQ), theirs a small percent that someone might be running it, and if you have the nesscearry tools to hose it that means the duel runs a bit quicker.

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