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Go Go Power Rangers! [/Discuss]

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I know the wording for it's (english) effect is different, But i'm just Copy + Pasting from the lolwiki


If there are no monsters on the field' date=' you can Special Summon this monster from your hand. If this card is Special Summoned by this effect, it's Level becomes 2. If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Special Summoned by this effect,it's Level becomes 4.[/quote'][/align]

I really have no idea what they were thinking, When they made this o_o


At least its a LIGHT-Attribute, right?



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I think I saw 1 other discussion about this card a while ago. I like the card, although I believe controlling its Level is not going to be as easy to do as we all thought back in the other discussion... :?

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Just like the crap-tastic Big Piece Golem before him' date=' This card fails at being a new Cyber Dragon too.......

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It doesn't fail, being a Level 4 that is Special Summoned is still nice enough. That's the most likely thing to happen, that or Normal Summon it as a Level 3. It does help in some way.

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It doesn't fail' date=' being a Level 4 that is Special Summoned is still nice enough. That's the most likely thing to happen, that or Normal Summon it as a Level 3. It does help in some way.


Still, it has very low ATK and I would choose Cyber Dragon over this card any time. most other people probably would too.

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It doesn't fail' date=' being a Level 4 that is Special Summoned is still nice enough. That's the most likely thing to happen, that or Normal Summon it as a Level 3. It does help in some way.


Still, it has very low ATK and I would choose Cyber Dragon over this card any time. most other people probably would too.


Having low ATK doesn't matter with this card. It has one more summoning opportunity than Cydra, and it can be a level 2-4.

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It can use Honest, at least.


Easily Summoned synchro food monster is Easily Summoned.


seriously, this guy + the right tuner can make any Synchro except ones that need specific non-tuners.Even then, road warrior can use him.


I like him.Epic Monarch Synchro card.

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All We Need Now Is A Zord Synchro XD


But the origional Super Sentai didnt have a 'Zord'. They just went around on different vechicles.


Plus, Why doesnt Level Warrior have a magical wepon that can transform into different weapons?

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