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New Pack! Stardust Overdrive "Savior Star Dragon" Included!

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I have heard news about a new pack. Sorry if you already know it...


Cover Card:Savior Star Dragon (The card Yusei used to beat Kiryu)

Features:Includes Yusei Fudo's new card, "Savior Star Dragon".

Includes Cards used by Crow, Kyosuke Kiryu, Luna, Carly Nagisa, Rudger, Misty Lola, and Rex Goodwin, as well as more of the anime´s "Earthbound Immortals" and "Blackwing"s keycard series.

It contains cards for existing Decks and themes for Deck construction.

A number of the cards included work with the Warrior's Strike Structure Deck.


By the way, Savior Star Dragon's effect is:

LV 10


"Salvation Dragon - Savior Dragon" + "Stardust Dragon" + 1 non-Tuner monster

When your opponent activates the effect of a Spell, Trap or Effect Monster, you can Tribute this card to negate it, and destroy all cards your opponent controls. Once per turn, negate the effect(s) of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls until the End Phase. Also, that monster effect(s) can be treated as this card's effect and can be activated once. Return this card to the Extra Deck during the End Phase, and Special Summon 1 "Stardust Dragon" from your Graveyard.


Cool, huh?

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