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PhotoShop + Gimp Club Come Down And Check Out Our Contest For a New Club Banner Grand Prize Is 1000 Points!

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Come on we need are members to respond!


I'm hosting a contest here in the PhotoShop + Gimp Club so you guys better

enter and at least act like you guys care!








1)Its free to enter


2)Prizes are reps only


3)Must be a banner/sig/or tag


4)No posting your current or past banners/sigs/or tags




1st 3+ rep


2nd 2+ rep


3rd 1+ rep

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it dost look good on cards. i guess it would be a background. I am working on a charcoal blue and green blend, that looks good on cards that has desaturated background.


I need to ask the club to help me out, i need a Fallout 3 club banner for my club. use what ever you can get i just need it to say Fallout 3 club. then under that

"it's all you need to know"

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it dost look good on cards. i guess it would be a background. I am working on a charcoal blue and green blend' date=' that looks good on cards that has desaturated background.


I need to ask the club to help me out, i need a Fallout 3 club banner for my club. use what ever you can get i just need it to say Fallout 3 club. then under that

"it's all you need to know"


Ok cool PM me the holo when you have a prototype I want to try it.

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Can I join please? I'm ALOT better at sigs now these are old and I can do holo effects. I have a tip:

On photoshop 7.0, click brushes and scroll down to the one that should be a diagonal line. Make it smaller so it can fit on the screen. Wave it all around and it should give an exxcelent effect!





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Can I join please? I'm ALOT better at sigs now these are old and I can do holo effects. I have a tip:

On photoshop 7.0' date=' click brushes and scroll down to the one that should be a diagonal line. Make it smaller so it can fit on the screen. Wave it all around and it should give an exxcelent effect!





CodyPops your in but I will have to see your work.

I would like to join your humble club kind sir and i shall start off by posting a pokemon sig made in photoshop:




Your not in because that no offense is realy noobish post another one (That isn't noobish) if your despreate.

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