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In a forum.


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Does anyone not understand the basis of "In the coding"?


Like, All "In the family" Except it's coding.


Not the actions that make the forum. The guts that make the forum.


As in, without the option to register, you can't have a forum.

Without the option the post you can't have posts.

Without the option to make a thread, you can't have threads.


As in the sheet that makes the forum.



Also, for whoever listed Applications, your on the right track.

Except, thats what every forum has. Previously made things, just added onto something that's been previously made.

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YouTube embedding. And it can be done; I've seen it.


All you have to do' date=' is allow HTML >_>



And let people redirect you to other sites in their posts?

No thanks.


Not to mention the auto run of porn videos. Etc >_>

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What are some things you expect to see' date=' and are some things you would like to see, but haven't seen yet, either at all, or rarely ever see.


I.E. customizable groups, profiles, blah blah etc etc.



Expect To See: Reputation System.



Forum Points System.

Member Ranks (E.g. Stars On This Forum)

Wish To See:

Active Admins And Mods.

Extra Features E.g. On This Site, The Card Maker.

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YouTube embedding. And it can be done; I've seen it.


All you have to do' date=' is allow HTML >_>



And let people redirect you to other sites in their posts?

No thanks.


Not to mention the auto run of porn videos. Etc >_>


Didn't think of that...



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