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A Basic Banner

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I know my tutorials have not been that much help before but now I'm hoping to change that in my latest tutorial "A Basic Banner".In this tutorial you will need three things first off GIMP (Any version), Second a nice render, and third SnowFlake brushes.At the bottem of this tutorial I have the links to everything you need so keep that in mind.Ok here we go!


Step 1: First off open GIMP select new canvas I use 400 x 150 for banners but whatever you use is cool.


Step 2: Next select the SnowFlake Brushes and set the opacity at anywhere between 30-40.


Step 3: Now set the scale to 1 exactly.


Step 4: Finaly use the SnowFlake brushes one by one changing each time you fill in one space.


Step 5: Then when the whole thing is covered (DON'T USE THE SAME BRUSH MORE THAN ONE TIME) grab the gradient tool and use the orignal colors but set it to FG to Transperant and go from the middle out.


Step 6 (OPTIONAL): For differant results you can go to colors/color balance and change that I also used the cloud brushes.


Ok thank-you for reading this begginer tutorial I hop it helps! (LINKS BELOW)


SnowFlake Brushes



[spoiler=Example for a friend] 2s9t6w2.jpg


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