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Percy Jackson and the Olympians: battle for Olympus


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Clarie then tranforms back

Clarie: listen Jake its ok if u like me because .........

Jake: what

Clarie: uhhhh because i like you to

Jake: but im feeling like we r in romeo and juletit because we arnt aloud to like each other

Clarie: yeh i feel that to but we can steel do this i think (Clarie then kisses Jake)

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Zenrais:No I will go to Tarturas for Jake.But Clairie the reason is well in world war two the same thing happened a half-blood of Zeus and A half-blood of Demeter fell in love.Then well I am not aloud to tell you. But to tell you the truth I am 100,000 years old.

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Zenrais: I relize now for the prophecy I have to because there is someone there that can make me the demon knight.But dont worry I will return Because of my magic but till then bye.


(Gives Clairie his Staff)


Zenrais:When I reincarnate I wont need this.I will probably lose my humanity so youll need this to remember me.



Zenrais:Clairie I will save you by saying this: I pledge my full and undying alliegiance to the olympians when my time is Tartarus is over I shall forever work for the gods.

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Zenrais:Tian I wish to become the pyro demon knight.

Tian:What will you give me for my services?

Zenrais:100 Drachmas




(Zenrais turns into a demon knight with armor and a skelatal steed)


(Zenrais returns to the Labrynth)


Zenrais:Hello Clairie,Jake Tj.

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