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Doom Deck


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Hi, Im new around here, and I've made (Based off my favourite computer game) Doom2 monster cards. Here's the list so far.


X1 CyberDemon: Type: Demon Attack: 4000 Defence: 4000


X1 Imp: Type: Demon Attack: 1500 Defence: 1200


X1 Arch-Vile: Type: Demon Attack: 3000 Defence: 2750


X1 Cacodemon: Type: Demon Attack: 1900 Defense: 1200


X1 Chaingun Guy: Type: Demon Attack: 2000 Defence: 1000


X1 SpiderMaster Mind: Type: Demon Attack: 3000 Defence: 3000


Im going to try make all of the monster into cards :D.

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'Your Deck' means your real yugioh card deck. Not cards you've made up.


What do you want to bet 'Cyber Demon' has a terrible OCG effect, like "If this card kils an other card, u sacrifise this card 2 draw 1 card if its a monster u can sumon it right away"

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My cards are good. Not terrible' date=' what are talking about.





This is the wrong section fool. Your Deck is meant for Decks that run REAL YuGiOh Cards, not ones that you made, as Jurrasic already said. Get it right.


Besides, I'm fairly sure those cards would suck.

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