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Lol, sorry, couldn't resist.


To be honest I agree with Zexaeon. The theory is nice and all, and he's pretty much filled in all the gaps but as is my view on all these theories, no matter how flawless, only the creator himself really knows for sure and at the end of the day it's just a pretty tame anime.

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Lol' date=' sorry, couldn't resist.


To be honest I agree with Zexaeon. The theory is nice and all, and he's pretty much filled in all the gaps but as is my view on all these theories, no matter how flawless, only the creator himself really knows for sure and at the end of the day it's just a pretty tame anime.

[/quote'] Yeah, but it's up to the creator intentions on how he wants Pokemon to end (the entire series) but if that happened, man it'll be controversial in the annals of history of anime forever...

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My apologies, I guess technically it was. -_- It just bothers me when people do that. I mean, do we really need to know if you didn't read it?


Anyhow, on-topic, I would love that. xD Those little Pokeman Anime children would see their worlds crumble before them. Pikachu would be nothing but a figmant of Ash's imagination, while his real Pikachu ran off into the wild years ago.


It would be a horrifying ending, really. So very grim. I wouldn't even want to see it, despite my liking of it, due to my own nostalgia being crushed by it. xD I'd be fine with the ending itself, but would never watch it.

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My apologies' date=' I guess technically it was. -_- It just bothers me when people do that. I mean, do we really need to know if you didn't read it?


Anyhow, on-topic, I would love that. xD Those little Pokeman Anime children would see their worlds crumble before them. Pikachu would be nothing but a figmant of Ash's imagination, while his real Pikachu ran off into the wild years ago.


It would be a horrifying ending, really. So very grim. I wouldn't even want to see it, despite my liking of it, due to my own nostalgia being crushed by it. xD I'd be fine with the ending itself, but would never watch it.

[/quote'] I would watch it if that happens, it'll just make Pokemon seem cool because of Ash's fantasies in his coma, LOL! Man that would be something alright!

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^What I don't get is why that thread' date=' which was posted first and posted in the correct section isn't as successful as this one.


Meh, As I said in the first thread, makes sense.


However Giovanni being Ash's father is something I never really considered in the past.

[/quote'] Whoa, it WAS done before, but anyways this theory is still strong and going and I think it's awesome!

im turning this into a fanfic

Really? I would like to read it...
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Crab that was only really in the Pokemon Live crap.

I thought it was just that Giovanni had gone out with Ash's mom.


Does remind me of a fanfic' date=' where they did a play on this. 'cept Ash based it on people he knew.


Crab that was only really in the Pokemon Live crap.


Spider was swearing really necessary.

[/quote'] They made a play out of this theory, wow...is the play available on youtube?

And yes, swearing is not necessary, I cussed on this thread and looked where it got me...50% WARNING! I've learned my lesson...

The play was made ages ago. Like back when pokemon only first started.

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This is one of the true mysteries of the world.

It literally was heartbreaking. The show that i once used to love and watch daily...

Was not what i perceived it to be.

Now im going to have to cry myself to sleep.

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It's sad, but, it all actually makes sense. I kind of wish this is what happens in the TV show and then shows him on his journey when he's older.


And I have something I was hoping you could answer for me or something. In the first post, it said "He never travels on a bike despite the distance due to the accident having given him a phobia of them." I could almost swear that he rode a bike before. Him and his group were going to to cross a bridge that requires bikes and was told it was "closed down due to rain" or something. Then they helped a Poke'mon Ranger clear a bunch of vines that were made by a Celebi protecting itself. I'm pretty sure him and his group rode across the bridge on bikes in the end of the episode.

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