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My deck without a win contition


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Dark armed dragon x1

Caius the shadow monarch x2

Chaos sorcerer x1

Thunder king rai-oh x3

Kycoo the ghost destroyer x2

Breaker the magical warrior x1

Lyla, lightsworn sorceress x3

Ryko, lightsworn hunter x2

Honest x2

Snipe hunter x1

Card trooper x1

Spirit reaper x1

Sangan x1



Burden of the mighty x3

Monster reborn x1

Brain control x1

Giant trunade x1

Heavy storm x1

Allure of darkness x2

Charge of the light brigadge x2



Solemn judgment x3

Phoenix wing windblast x2

Threatening roar x2

Torrential tribute x1

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Lyla and Ryko are spashable lightsworns, and Lyla is a 1700 attack breaker that's honestable.


Though you definitely should add more Honests. I'd say drop the bottomless for another HOnest. Maybe even drop a Roar for a third if you wanna go balls deep.

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